I don’t think that’s entirely accurate. These people had become involved in the case solely due to the initial cat related video that they had become so invested in, and then they dramatically had to suffer through repeated cat torture and killing videos released one after another over a long period of time.
These are individuals who are animal lovers, they love cats. And so not only had their involvement gotten them emotionally invested, but their particular initial love of cats in particular obviously drove them more passionately into stopping this man.
None of them would ever say that the death of any of the cats was worse than the death of that man. But none of them personally knew that man. They’d never heard of him before then, had never met him, so obviously felt no love towards him. While on the other hand they all love all cats. So it’s just differently applied emotional direction.
We have millions watching the news every evening, hearing about local murders and assaults, and very few actually become emotionally affected by these reports. So it doesn’t seem fair or right for you to hold any likewise criticism and judgement on these cat lovers.