Is Alys a Ghost?

I’ve seen this topic on the web on some sites and I think it’s an intriguing possibility. It’s something that I’ve never thought about before but people on these sites give a pretty good argument saying that if you watch, no one seems to be aware of her or react “to” her.

When Daemon first broke into Harrenhall, you see Simon stand up and you see Alys go to him and whisper in his ear. That’s what threw me off to begin with but if she was a spirit he simply wouldn’t have heard her but we the audience wouldn’t have known this if it wasn’t explained to us. If you watch that scene again, Simon doesn’t seem to react.

She conjures up animals (and owl) out of thin air and when you think about it, no one other than Daemon seems to talk or react to her. Yeah I know a lot of people believe her to be a witch but besides that did you ever think she was a spirit? What say you all?


sounds legit


No ghosts so far, and the show seems to introduce supernatural elements cautiously to remain "grounded."

So I'd lean against it but wouldn't rule it out.


Yeah…I dont know…but a show that originally had ice zombies as an important antagonist doesn’t seem like one that would be totally against ghosts.


I’m glad you have taken that stance because like I said, now that I reexamine her whole story arc, you DO see that people such as Simon never speak to or take notice of her and in her dealings with Daemon, no one ever really acknowledges her. It’s very clever if this IS the truth but who knows. If you care to rewatch every scene she’s in maybe you’ll find the same thing. Again I myself read this in an article where it was discussed before I even began to think about it.


no one other than Daemon seems to talk or react to her.

I'm reminded of the janitor in the first season of Scrubs.


I seem to recall Simon looking at her in one scene, later in the season. it was an acknowledgement type of look, and at least one of character did the same. Interesting idea though.
