Clark’s boys are so annoying
Goodness … nonstop bitching and arguing
shareI feel for Jonathan tbh. He represents Clark's human father, even has his coloring in Smallville and I feel he is being shafted. He is a good kid with natural athleticism, yet as a human, nothing special. Everything going to Jordon and nothing to him, Jordon has all of their father's attention, while Jonathan is left in the dust.
But the ones I can't stand is the Lang/Cushing/Cortez family. The entire family is unlikeable and are all narcissists.
Btw Smallville had a great looking cast but most of the ones here are ugly and acceptable looking at best.
I can't stand that trope of sour faced kids being in loving two parent homes who constantly bitch about their parents not being there for them. Especially when it shows the parent is clearly reaching out and the kid all but tells them to fuck off.
But it's a thousand times worse in this show, seeing as how their father(mother too honestly) is popping out to save the world on the regular. You have zero right to bitch when your dad being home or not determines whether a jet liner crashes or a meteor slams into the earth.