Worst Way To Die

Of all the deaths so far,which would be the worst way to die?

"Life is pleasant.Death is peaceful.It's the transition that's troublesome." - Isaac Asimov


Some I can think of:

The man who shoved a can of pepper spray up his butt
The clown who was suffocated in his car by balloons
The couple who ate live snails and picked up a deadly parasite


I would have to say that the worse death would be.....either the woodchiper or when the guy gets his legs ripped off by the truck for the most painful.For thr creepiest i guess it would have to be the one where the lady dies in her sleep becuase she has that sleeping disorder where she dreams somthing is tryin to strangle her.

Yeah Um I had an adrenaline rush It's very common You can Google it.


The woodchipper would not be good, but an acid bath would be much more drawn out. If you have ever used one of these industrial chippers, you know it will grab a big branch or small tree right out of your hand and blast it throught the grinders. It happens real quick. The way they show it on TV, the guy slowly gets eaten up, feet first (why his buddy doesn't grab him and yank him out, I know not) If it really happened, the machine would have dragged him in and chewed him up in a couple of seconds.
Now the acid batch would burn every inch of your body and work its way in your mouth and ears and toast out your eyeballs. That would be the worst way to go


Acid bath

Boiled Alive in Spa


Trash Compactor

Decompression Chamber Explosion

Latex Suit Allergy

Umbrella Swallower

We will clash like two titans!


Acid bath

Eaten alive by rats

Exploding breast implants

Suffocated by manure

Broken thermometers in anus

Brain parasites

Van Damme is so cool. Know why? His last name's a cuss word!


I have to go with the eaten alive by rats. I mean, most of the other deaths wouldn't take that long to die from. But, imagine how long it would take rats to eat you? That would be truly horrific.


The one that's stuck with me ever since I first saw it last weekend was the "Reef Stew" segment. Seriously, getting boiled alive for 5 hours straight has gotta be the worst way I can think of. Oh, FYI, the creepiest part in that segment was when that female islander apparently bit that guy on the face - since it's obvious she was tasting him.




The walk-in freezer has to be among the worst be of how long it took.

The poor ol' bastid suffered a lot before he froze to death.


Buzz Cartier

"Filthy Rich Filthy Uncle Phil" - Writer / Director / Producer
Reviews (w/ SPOILERS!!!):
http://www.moviecynics.com/filthy-rich-filthy-uncle-phil-2010-independ ent-film-review/


Anything involving being crushed slowly or ripped to bits slowly. (Namely the Trash Compactor, or the Wood Chipper)


The guy who got his face chewed apart by rats while stuck in a tiny as hell tunnel.

"I am weary of these healthy bones and skin"- Iron Maiden, Starblind
