MovieChat Forums > Ted Lasso (2020) Discussion > Spoiler**Went from great to a horrible s...

Spoiler**Went from great to a horrible season series finale

I mean wtf ..
why even make Nate the bad guy in the first place ? Taking him back was dumb
Also why would Ted take the job in the first place if he was going back home cause “ he misses his kid” I mean don’t take the job in the first place then ..
Also is he going to be a cuck living with his ex wife and kid along with her boyfriend cause he was walking with his bags in the same house the guy was in .


I agree that the ending was a bit underwhelming as they tried to make everybody happy. However, to your points: plenty of people take a job and then regret it. I also believe (based on my memory) that he expected his wife and son to move to London at some point. I also took it as him and wife are getting back together. This was based on how they portrayed the boyfriend during the final game and that he was not at the son's soccer game. They did rush the whole Nate redemption arc. I also thought it was odd that they didn't have Ted at Beard's wedding. Clearly green screen so why not have him there. I don't think he would have missed it.


Definitely great points


Also, did I miss something or did Roy and Keeley ever get back together. I know they had that talk with Jamie and then Jamie and Roy left saying that was silly, but then I was expeting Roy and Keeley to get back together after that.


I don't think it was made clear.



what about the after-school special episodes?


"Also is he going to be a cuck living with his ex wife and kid along with her boyfriend cause he was walking with his bags in the same house the guy was in."

This was my biggest issue with the entire series, and it's actually worse than what you described...that "other guy" was his freaking THERAPIST!!

That is SOOO UNETHICAL for a therapist to shack up with a client!!! And the show never mentions or addresses this.

Like WTF is the take away message supposed to be here?


Exactly 👆🏼


Every plot point doesn’t need some take away message….whatever that is.


Every plot point is literally a message, it’s impossible for it not to be. The take-away is what the viewer takes away from it. But I’m sure you already know all this.


Every plot point is a message to move the plot forward, but every plot point doesn't have to have some sociological or ideological message. The best comedy shows are not the "teachable moment", "very special" variety.


I agree that good comedies don’t have to be sociological per se, but lasso seems to have been going for social commentary.


You need to go back and re-watch the series. At some point, Ted acknowledges that he and his wife were having problems and needed space to figure out where their marriage was going. I took the finale to mean the finally decided to get back together. He decided to come back to the US because his mom came to the UK and told him his son needed him. So basically you didn't pay much attention during earlier episodes.

For myself I mostly like the finale except I think he should have stayed in the UK and that Roy and Keeley should have been clearly shown to be back together. Loved that Rebecca and the mystery Dutchman found one another.
