Didn't like the direction
Dr. Strange was right, Peter was wrong. As we see when movie progresses. Overly kind hearts are weak. Worried about bad guys dying, Aunt may gets killed. And Aunt may was wrong as well. Peter didn't do the right thing.
Dr. Strange would totally win against spider man btw.
Peter got ass whooped by goblin. A joke.
But since this is a spider man movie, spider man prevails.
I liked the homage to the old baddies (& both old version pp's) from previous movies, but couldn't we also get different baddies (& pp's) from the comics that would be new to the movieverse?
The Humor was ok. Far far better than Venom: carnage. That was never funny.
Not saying its a bad movie. I just didn't care for the direction of movie.
Last thing i found funny & stupid at same time was how the news copters never tracked spider man before as a hero, but now that his identity is known & he's supposedly bad, everywhere he goes, they are on him like flies on shit.
Of course we all knew the movie would finish in a way to continue to Dr. Strange 2.