Didn't like the direction

Dr. Strange was right, Peter was wrong. As we see when movie progresses. Overly kind hearts are weak. Worried about bad guys dying, Aunt may gets killed. And Aunt may was wrong as well. Peter didn't do the right thing.
Dr. Strange would totally win against spider man btw.
Peter got ass whooped by goblin. A joke.
But since this is a spider man movie, spider man prevails.

I liked the homage to the old baddies (& both old version pp's) from previous movies, but couldn't we also get different baddies (& pp's) from the comics that would be new to the movieverse?
The Humor was ok. Far far better than Venom: carnage. That was never funny.

Not saying its a bad movie. I just didn't care for the direction of movie.

Last thing i found funny & stupid at same time was how the news copters never tracked spider man before as a hero, but now that his identity is known & he's supposedly bad, everywhere he goes, they are on him like flies on shit.

Of course we all knew the movie would finish in a way to continue to Dr. Strange 2.


Killing the villains, or allowing them to die due to inaction, is completely contrary to Spider-Man's entire history. That is what he does. He saves people. Yesh, villains have died while fighting him, but never to to any intentional action Spider-Man makes. It is completely in his character to refuse to send them back to their deaths.

Author of the Sodality Universe
The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus (coming soon)
The Council on Jerusalem (coming 2023)


I dont do comic books. They're ridiculous imho. Dont mind people that do though. Whatever people find entertaining is up to them.

I really dont care what history shows he's done before because it only proves 2 things.

1. he just makes things harder on himself.

2. The biggest thing, tons of innocent people get hurt or killed by this. Im more worried, and so should he be, that tons of innocent people get hurt or killed by him saving or not killing a villain.


So, what you are saying is that it is stupid to help people. It is stupid to try to rehabilitate criminals. Best to be sure they are killed as quickly as possible. It might otherwise be too dangerous. Innocent people might get hurt.

And of course, one should always take the easy path. It makes things harder on one to take the more difficult path, and we can't have that.

Truly great people are those who help others. Sometimes it doesn't work. And sometimes it results in people being hurt. But not helping them is almost certain to end up with people getting hurt.

I'd much rather try and fail, than take the easy path and ignore the rack and ruin going on around me.

You also say you don't care about his history. So you are saying in a work of fiction that character should be ignored. Spider-Man/Peter Parker helps people. That is a major part of his character; established in comics, TV, and films since 1962; but that prime characteristic should be ignored because it would be easier, and possibly someone might get hurt.

Author of the Sodality Universe
The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus (coming soon)
The Council on Jerusalem (coming 2023)


I honestly think your exaggerating my words.....

Ted bundy shouldn't have gotten help. Or any other serial killer. Which they didnt get help. Their acts were beyond rehabilitation. Any terrorist/bombers fall in same line.

Not all criminals fall in the category though.

Btw, im not a simpleton. I never said anything about a easy path.

No i dont care about a fictional history. As you said, its fictional. It could be anything the writers made up. Your the one holding onto it.


Ok. You don't like fiction. You don't get that some sense of continuity is necessary for a continuing character. You think that character traits you don't exhibit are invalid, stupid, or ridiculous.

I don't get why you watch any fiction. You obviously do not understand the needs of good fiction

You say you never said anything about an easy path, but say, I quote "he just makes things harder on himself." What does that mean if you are not promoting the easy path?

I am done with this discussion. We are obviously on opposite sides of this issue.

Author of the Sodality Universe
The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus (coming soon)
The Council on Jerusalem (coming 2023)


I believe that what he's saying is that one should take the action that does the greatest good for the most people. Sometimes that requires making a hard decision.


All very logical; if you have perfect foresight and you don't have any concern for an individual. That type of logic would prevent the great efforts we make to save, say, a child who falls down a well. After all, the people who are trying to save the child could be hurt, and sometime are. Large amounts of money are spent. Far more logical to let the child die.

Peter's aim is to save these people from dying when they return to their dimensions. He does not know, nor can he, that things could go wrong. Can he predict that they might. Sure. But that isn't how many humans make decisions. Peter Parker's whole raison d'etre is helping others, including the villains. For him to do otherwise is to violate his core beliefs, and render him an uninteresting, robotic character.

Author of the Sodalilty Universe
The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus
The Council on Jerusalem (coming 2023)


I will add that I have just watched this film and it wasn't what I expected but that actually made it interesting. They could have just had Spiderman fight all the past villains but they actually did something different


Absolutely right.

"5 Supervillains and aunt May enter an apartment..."
sounds like the beginning of a joke but it's the plot of this movie
