this story is so fking stupid

spiderman jumped the shark. it's both boring and stupid. spiderman's motivations doesnt even make sense. he's gonna save randoms just because he knows of them? it's like a bad cartoon episode.


And obviously in need of your opinion. However, I WAS NOT stupid enough to give a comic book character any of my time so I guess that makes me smarter than you.
For F***s sake grow up.


lol wut? you're telling me to grow up? you're the one crying over something that has nothing to do with you.


Agree. Also why would Dr. Strange agree to do something that had a chance to spiral outa control? Peter talking like crazy during the spell causing Dr. Strange problems. Is he that stupid? A lot of contrived stuff.


Agreed. Its like an 8 year old boy wrote this. Its just silly and nonsensical. The core idea was good but the story and execution of the idea is very childish.


"It's like an 8 year old boy wrote this."
Ya think?
Does it give you goosebumps knowing you can critique a movie DIRECTED AT 8 YEAR OLDS?
What the hell did you expect to take home from this? A morality tale?
It's a f***n fantasy. Adolescent fairy tales being discussed by adults.
Talk about wasting your time.


Oh please, spare me your vain condescension. It is very possible, and done all the time, to make something pleasing to both mature and immature audiences. Your just mad I dont agree with you because you are amongst the latter.


So I AM the immature one? Tell me, just who spent money going to see this?
Not me, I can assure you.


I didnt, I havent been to a theater in a few years. I think Shazam was the last time I went to the theater and it was for my nephew. I really cant imagine a situation where I would ever go to a theater again. And its got nothing to do with the price, I just do not enjoy that experience anymore, too old for that mess.


? How did you obtain the script ?


I saw this twice and there was no shark villain or any shark for that matter that SpiderMan encountered


It is a jump the shark movie for sure, and def the most JTS movie of marvel movies. I guess after all the scifi shenanigans of the Thor, Guardians and Avengers films it was time spiderman went there too. SM3 and TASM 2 were quite JTS too so its not like the previous series didnt go full on scifi weird too. SM1/2 and maybe TASM are the only 'realistic' SM films (like the way Superman I/II, Batman89/Begins/TDK, X1/2/FC/Logan are like the 'realistic' entries in their respective franchises before they went OTT with craziness/scifi/aliens/magic/timetravel/multiverse etc)


Yep, the moment they made Dr Strange some bumbling idiot, I knew this movie was total trash. I won't be watching anymore of this nonsense.


It really was. Watched recently. This movie was "Spider-Memberberries". Plot was a complete contrivance to bring back all the old cast. It was just another well-crafted nostalgia trip ala SW:TFW. A movie whose premise is "hey, 'member these other movies?".

Credit where credit's due, though, I guess, Disney still can still make a schlocky movie that the lumpen-moviegoers will fork over good money to watch. I'm more disappointed in them than Disney at this point, honestly.


I seen this movie 3 times already. There is no scene where SpiderMan jumps over a shark


