Do you really blame her?

What kind of parent creates a new life of a child solely for the purpose just to save another and use their body parts like some sort of farm grown animal? It's not right to create and use a human life just to save the other. She had every right to sue her parents to stop them from using her against her will. Had the first girl never gotten sick, the other girl would not ever had been born. How cruel it is to bring someone new to the world to harvest their body parts just to save another.

by solesister "get thee to a nunnery!"


She wasn't supposed to be for harvest, it was supposed to be one time cord blood (which you don't even feel). I think they might have expected marrow later but not the kidney, but then when it's there, would you say no?
I don't think it's necessarily crueller than bringing people in the world because you are desperate for a little copy of yourself or because you think you'll be an ahhhhmazing parent or because the condom breaks - there are bizarre reasons people have kids and we're typically pretty permissive (unfortunately).
Also usually the people doing this say they would have another child anyway and are making sure it's a match which isn't unreasonable.
Idk - I would do anything for my sister, but then, I have the choice of that, not being told I have to.


Are you talking about the book? Because in the movie, Anna was born to be harvested. She had had numerous medical procedures, including bone marrow donations, since she was a baby. There was no mention in the movie of a one-time medical donation.
