WTF Hollywood! Get a clue! If you need to remake a movie! Make it one thats not a classic like this is! I bet Chris Penn is turning in his grave! To be honest ive not saw the movie as yet and i dont intend to! But i know that it should never have been remade! Whats next??? Dirty Dancing??? Saturday Night Fever??? Flashdance??? Make something original! Please for the love of God!
Ive seen the original! Original means exactly that ORIGINAL and should have remained that way! Sorry! Thats my opinion and im intitled to it! Thats what the comment sections are for! You dont like it! Take a hike!
If you would like to validate your point, then don't use Scarface as an example. The original Scarface made in 1932 was already 51 years old when it was remade in 1983 with Al Pacino. Techological advancements between 1932 - 1983 are night and day. To illustrate a similar gap between 1984 and today we would have to live like the Jetsens and even then I still don't think it would equate. The 1932 film quality not so good, I'm sure film editing in the 30's by the standards 51 years later in 1983 was laughable at best. No technological advancements, computers available, forget special effects graphics etc. I totally get why they would remake that movie. It makes sense. But what I don't get is why they had to remake this movie? Nothing wrong with film quality or actors and technology had advanced enough that what they needed was readily available to them, so, other than swapping actors and soundtracks because they could, what was the point? I think Kevin Bacon did a much better job. That said, in my opinion it's a downgrade from the original, which only serves to validate my confusion as to why it was done to begin with. I really wish they would stop recycling all of these movies, they aren't "that" old. Did we run out of semi interesting plots for a new movie? Has the creative well run dry? I agree with the original post, and echo his sentiments.
Dude you rock! what you say its spot on. The Scarface remake for our gerneration its classic, but we "forget" its a remake.Think about Spiderman 2002, Tobey MaGuire, Kristen Dunst, Sam Raimi= The third one sucked. Then 2012, The Facebook secondary, Emma Stone, (500) Days of Summer director= crap?. Think about The Hulk. 2003, Eric Bana, Jenifer Conelly, Ang Lee= Flop. Then, 2008, Ed Norton, Liv Tayler, some French director= A not so bad movie (only five years passed).
I'm not saying its a bad movie just WHY did they have to make a remake? I want to see "Wild Hogs 2" why don't they make that one? Spoiler alert for those that have not see it, but yet complain about it, why change the city he is from? It was Chicago and what about his MOM? Why change that? The first run in with the law was after he met and was driving with Willard. BTW when he fixed up the bug where did he get the juice to power up that large speaker that iPod does not have to power to get that kind of sound from that speaker. Now the ending that was like the original film. All in all better then some remakes like Godzilla in 98 with Matthew Broderick that was one of THE Worst remakes I've seen.
You're a fool if you think this film was made for you. The 1984 film was made for you. Keep's yours. It's mine. It's all of ours that grew up in that era.
My kids find it boring and can't relate to the sound of the music, the style of the clothes nor the actors in the role. Some films for the 80's hold their charm for kids across the ages, but Footloose was built around the pop culture of the time.
Footloose 2011 grossed well enough to call it a hit and the kids love it. Hmmmmm....wonder why??? it's updated much like the 1932 Scarface was in 1983. I'm sure there were old farts in 1983 that adored the first.
It's not like footloose is all that recent. It's nearly 30 years old guys. Classic....yes.
Disagree that you feel movie goers can only relate to movies from our era. Three of my favorite movies were Gone with the Wind, The King and I and Sound of Music and they were made before I was born. I didn't have to relate to the clothes and/or music to appreciate those movies.
Yes, you are entitled to your opinion but telling other people to "take a hike" is insinuating that they are not entitled to theirs. A bit hypocritical don't you think? Also, comment sections are the most productive when all those involved are knowledgeable about the subject they are discussing. Commenting on how bad a movie is when you have not even seen it kind of defeats the point. I enjoyed the original movie and just as thoroughly enjoyed this remake. They really did a good job. It was faithful to the original while still allowing a modern vibe to shine through so that a new generation could find it relevant. Now that's my opinion and I am entitled to it. If you don't like it, there's no need to take a hike (unless you really like hiking) but I do invite you to respond with your take on the ideas I presented.
They ARE going to re-make Dirty Dancing. Lionsgate has announced a 'Dirty Dancing' remake. There will always be remakes as long as enough people go to see them.
Way to go scottturner468! When there is a remake or reboot, it reminds me of when someone says someone extremely funny and clever. Then someone else will try the same joke and it's not as funny and as the first time it was said or done.
From what I could see the actor who plays Willard looks a little bit like Chris Penn and is said to be endearing.
I don't mind sequels, and sometimes they are even better than the original. They will usually use some of the original characters and add on to the story line.
From what I have heard the only major change made in the movie has to do with a country music influence, including Western line dancing. And two buses collide. To be fair, I won't say the movie is awful until I have seen it.
I am totally against the remaking of "Dirty Dancing", but have heard that both Patrick and his wife gave approval to the remake. I would like the talent presented at the end to be better (such as singing by the older sister). However, I just cannot see this remke being better or even equal to the original. I am also wondering what kind of dancing they will be doing?
The young man who portrays Willard pays homage to Chris Penn in the role. He brings the same loveable oaf quality to the role & captures the essence of the role perfectly. I think Chris would be pleased.
I am Paris Holiday Inn. I am the poor man's Paris Hilton.
I agree. Miles Teller who plays Willard in the remake did a lovely tribute performance to Chris Penn. I thought he was very similar to Chris Penn's take of the character in a tribute, not mocking or lazy way, and his scenes made me smile with enjoying the character and how much it reminded me of Chris Penn in the original.
When I go to some of these remakes, I try to go in with a open mind. If "Footloose" wins or fails, will never take anything from the original movie. Chris Penn was amazing in the original movie. If you see the movie, come see it with a open mind. It is like seeing a play on Broadway with a different actor playing a lead role. Some remakes or retellings like "Battlestar Galactica" work, and some like the "Psycho" remake don't.
I saw the remake yesterday. I don't typically like remakes but this one was very good. It didn't stray far from the original and you heard a lot of lines from the original make it into the remake. The actor that played Willard in this version did an awesome job. I think Chris Penn would have enjoyed it, but I can't speak for him. Willard made us laugh throughout the whole movie. He was funny without being stupid or annoying.
And I'm not a teenager. The whole group of us that went see the movie are in an age range of 30-40 and are big fans of the original and saw the original in the movies. Only one person in the group didn't see the original.
Basically they've realised they can't actually get away with using the exact same storyline for every single dance film (ie. the girl does one type of dancing, the boy does another and they bring them together to make a routine at the end, blah, blah, blah) so now they've resorted to taking the classics, remaking them, modernising them and just generally making them *beep*
"This is my age! I'm in the prime of my youth, and I'll only be young once!"
Me too! I keep an open mind when it comes to remakes, it is either good/bad. But this was just the MTV version of 'Footloose,' with no real story or agenda. It's much of a carbon copy of the original. Why remake something original? Just look for new ideas.
A classic? More like a decent movie that is very dated if you go back and watch it again. I think if they made this same movie but didnt market it as a remake but just a new movie it might have been better recieved.
scottturner468: Loved the fact that you think the original is a "Classic"! Please dont let them remake other "Classics" like Dirty Dancing or Flashdance!!!
Also love the fact you slating a film you haven't seen???
Miles Teller, who played Willard in this version, was one of the few good things about this remake. His voice was very close to Chris Penn's. However, I hated that he didn't do the somersault at the end of the montage where Willard learns to dance.
Hurricane Ike -- Category 2, my ass! Galveston will rebuild!