What ruined this movie...

What ruined this movie is basically. Shia Leboufs bad acting, and that annoying other kid from school who tags along with Sam...each time their scenes come, I have to skip it.. unfortunately, Shia's in most of it..!
And the badly placed so called humour, but if it was to have been a more serious movie, it would have probably been better.
The story line is ok.. but we should of had more of the Fallen Decepticon instead of just a big Bionicle coming and going for like 5 minutes of screen time.


His friend sucked, but it's an absolute dog's dinner of a movie. Firstly, it's way too long at 2 and a half hours. It should be 1hr 50 mins maximum.

The fight scenes at the end go on forever. If action scenes become a chore to get through, it means you're making them wrong. Less is more. Watch the end battle of any Star Wars movie see how action should be done.

The best scenes in the film were the early ones between Sam and Mikaela. A better film would've developed the characters more and relied less on spectacle to get through it.

The first Transformers movie is a masterpiece compared to this goose egg.


Agreed, the first was great, the second, tried to make it too comedy type..!


100% agreed. This was way too long and so many hokey scenes... Keeping up with the spirit of our Backdraft score discussion, I will say that the score for ROTF was a banger. But yes, the first is a masterpiece compared to this one.


I'll be honest I can't remember a single thing from any of the transformers scores. Any pieces you can recommend in particular that you like?


Definitely "Arrival to Earth" in the 2007 movie as well as "Skorponok" (the thundering theme of the A-10 attack). Also check out tracks "Decepticons", "The All Spark" and "Bumblebee Captured".

In "Revenge of the Fallen", there are a lot of rehashed moments in the score but there's some really catchy melodies in "Infinite White".


I checked them all out, VH, not bad. I definitely remember skorponok getting played a lot in various places. Bumblebee Captured was a melodic one.

They'll always remind me of this though haha: https://youtu.be/Nj974zkjylo?feature=shared&t=12


Yep - a little "borrowing" from his original mentor, haha.


There should be no problem with that, if Zimmer can lift his own scores, he can be ok with his protege's taking stuff from him

Black Rain: https://youtu.be/Yg5EdPODcew?feature=shared&t=1921

Batman Begins: https://youtu.be/daJJ2qafvZ0?feature=shared&t=55



I spit my coffee out!! HAHAHA, I totally forgot about Black Rain and I remember liking that score when I was younger. This is great!

Also, not sure if you remember this one. This was an actual trailer for Avatar and they used "My Name is Lincoln" from The Island (2005). I thought that was a good testimony to Jablonsky but I was surprised they used it in an Avatar trailer.



Haha glad you got a good laugh, VH!

The Black Rain one is quite a famous piece in the movie music world thanks to being used in the trailer for that crap film Ghost: https://youtu.be/capS3yV9eY8?feature=shared&t=114.

I'm pretty sure it's been used in a lot of other places. That's why I kinda cringed when I heard it in the Nolan Batman, as it's a really generic piece by that point.

If he's going to recycle stuff, he should at least lift one of his more melodic and original pieces like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlWV6DlsouQ

and this beauty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4oNFhQfQE4

That's a nice piece by Jablonsky for the Avatar trailer. I liked it.


Michael Bay and his team ruined the movie from the moment it was conceived.


I'm glad Bay gave us the 1st one (2007). That was cinema magic. I remember leaving the theatre in wonderment. Great feelin thanks to Bay, have to give credit where credit is due.


Not sure where or why people think the first one is so good. I saw it in theatres and thought it was fine, about on the same level as something like Twister or The Day After Tomorrow. I watched it again recently and feel the same way. There are tons of moments where the movie just halts so that stupid improv humor, often sexually-charged, can take place for about 30 seconds. Honestly the first movie should be categorized as a comedy because Michael Bay tried really hard to be funny.


I like Shia in anything. His college friend was the worst though.


Endless action to the point of overkill. I also saw shots from the first movie reused in the second.
