Valentina's age (spoilers)

It really bothered me that she was 15 (about to turn 16) and she was having a sexual flirtation/relationship with Tony, who seemed to be in his 30s. Her character was also very sexualized, for example the naked Venus look at the mall. I know Tony turned out to be a sleazeball but no one else seemed concerned about them spending time together when she was so young.


Stop living in a fantasy world....
16 year olds smoke, drink and have sex.
It was like that 100 years ago and will always be like that...


There are 16 years old girls who prefer to date men in their 20s or 30s you know. I don't see anything wrong with it, altough a lot of people think otherwise.


What everyone here "seems" to be missing is this:
1.) It is only in the last 60 years that here in America the age of consent has been 'raised' to it's current point. Like Europe, even here, we married off girls as young as 12 or 13 as recently as the 1940's. My own dear grandmother (1906-1994) was married at 13, pregnant at 15. It was the NORM in those days, folks.
2.)Recent studies of human sexuality in the United States show that over 40% of 'children' have had sex by the age of 14 and are 'sexually active' by 16 y/o. So what's the bitch??



Look it's extremely easy... You can raise the age of consent to 30 if you like... but that won't change reality, and the reality is that teenagers around 15/16 are going to have sex... Why? Because that is when you biologically have the "Highest Sex Drive" you will EVER have in your life. Your hormones are TELLING your body that you are ready to have sex/procreate... I'm sorry friends LAWS and SCIENCE have nothing to do with each other, simple as that.

Telling a teenager they can't have sex is like telling a starving man he can't eat. If you are starving and they serve a plate of food in front of you, you are going to eat it.

And yes there is no difference between a consenting 16 year old having sex with another 16 year old or a 25 year old or a 35 year old. After all, how many teenage girls would do anything to have sex with the likes of Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt and how old are they? Yeah I rest my case....


Considering this is the only film I've ever seen her in where she doesn't show full frontal nudity.. her stated age didn't really bother me here...


I think the point is that she was coming to terms with her own sexuality. So funny, people criticized mirror mask because the 15 year old girl wasn't sexual enough to be "believable" as a real girl and this film because the girl *is* sexual.

And Anton was worried about her! lol


But the point was that her sexuality was there and no one was paying attention, too busy pretending she couldn't be allowed to make her own decisions.

I think that part had a good message. If you lie to your kid and keep sheltered to protect them, they won't know *how* to make the right decision.

I think that's kind of why the devil character looks so defeated with Valentina's choice.


The age of consent in England is 16. This is stated by her character in the movie. Guess what? In the real world 16 year olds are sexual, hormonally driven. They have sex. They want to have sex and yes even with older men. Shocking! I know!



I have to agree that it is common that young girls fall in love with older men.
When I was 15 there was this girl in my class who had a boyfriend that was 10 years older than her. And they are still together today and will probably get engaged soon.

So I dont see how some could see Valentina and her courtship with Tony as weird, seeing how this seem to happen every now and then.


When I was 16, the thought of having sex with somebody old enough to be my father really grossed me out and I'm sure once I have kids, I'd be very concerned if my 16 year old started hanging out with a 34 year old. I'd still be concerned even she, or he, turned 18.
That said, I think it was the film's point. It was suppose to be disturbing. Tony was a sleaze.
Also after reading what everyone had to say, sounds like a lot of men posted. No, as a teenage girl I didn not dream of having sex with johnny depp. My crush on him was innocent. I stil find him too old for me. I guess I must have been abnormal since the normal behavior for a teenage girl seems to be to slut herself out for money so naturally being with a 40 year old man is just another day in the life of...
And it wasn't that long ago when I was a teenage girl. And there's a huge difference between 16 and 18 or even 18 and 22. I agree that age is just a number, it's really the space between the numbers and the experiences one has in between those numbers that matter.
In conclusion, I find it disturbing that a 34 year old man would be into a 16 year old. I know it happens but it doesn't cease to disturb me just because some people find it okay. We're all entitled to our opinions I suppose and I think that's what the OP was getting at before people started defending themselves and how it's okay to find 15 year olds attractive because they're having sex anyways. Of course teenage girls have sex and so do teenage boys. But there are boundaries even if those boundaries are not set by numbers.
I just in general find the sexualization of young women in hollywood to be disturbing, but as long as men make films and run studios, that's what we get.


Age is just a number, who cares. Its american culture that makes it seem so young. Go to other places in the world where its nothing out of the ordinary for woman to even have children at 15.
Its funny how there is such a strong notion of shes not 18 BS in america but its strongly leading the porn industry. Like all of a sudden something magical happens once a girl has been around for 18 years that wasnt there a day earlier.

If Jesus and Mohammed both came back to save their people would they debate on tv?


so youre in your 30's and bang 15 year olds?! cause that was what OP had a problem with. i really doubt he was saying 15 year olds dont have sex.

also being able to have kids doesnt mean you should start having sex. i went to a church once where there was a little girl who was only 11 and had a kid. she was raped but apparently her body was mature enough to produce a child of her own. its rare but it happens. my point is just because someones body is mature enough doesnt mean their mind is. this is why ive always said the age of consent should be the same as the age to vote (in any country). if you think someone is old enough to start screwing, you better give them the same rights as every other adult. otherwise, you are just justifying banging children which happens in far too many countries. (note: im not saying the legal age should be 18 or what the age should be just that whatever the age is should be the age you can vote, live on your own, etc without permission from mom and dad).
