Guy is an idiot.

Hearing the stories from a friend of mine that works in the kitchen at one of the places he visited, and just from watching the show myself, it's easy to conclude that Guy Fieri is a talentless hack and a douchebag to boot. here are the top 5 things that i hate about him.

#1. the glasses behind the head. i want to jam them down his throat.
#2. the "i'm so cool attitude" we don't care where you're from, looking like a fat surfer-hippie is only cool if YOU AREN'T A TOTAL TOOLBAG ON TELEVISION.. if ever.
#3. Talking down to pretty much everyone he encounters, as if they have a god or genius gracing them with his presence. free publicity isn't worth that.
#4. EVERYTHING THAT COMES OUT OF HIS MOUTH. but not the stuff going in. the food on that show all looks delectable. however, his reactions to biting into things are predictable and boring. no one cares what you think of the food, just eat it and smile at the camera you stupid gorilla. IT'S the important part, not you.
#5. Flip flops in the kitchen. there's a time and place for almost-bare feet, and it's not there. not to mention what happens if you drop a fork on your toe, and then decide you'd like to be a little richer by putting one of these great places out of business, dillweed. put some shoes on.

...Who's with me?
"So say we all."


I don't mind him all that much. I do agree with his reactions being predictable.

"Wow, that's bananas. And bananas is good."
"I gotta tell you, I've eaten some ______ in my day. But that's some of the best ever."
"That's off the hook."

Overall I love the show though.

Yeah well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.


With you all the way. Jam those damn glasses down his throat.


Dude you're evil. If you don't like him then don't watch the show. Get a life!


i agree...the glasses the reactions the open mouth laughter/LAME jokes
the bleached/spiked hair goatee combo
the "super cool" lingo "THATS SO MONEY"


but the food/spots are soooo good i HAVE to watch



this guy is lame. loose the glasses...


yeah I totally agree. I saw one where he said "this is macdaddy" to like this old lady that was cooking some family recipe that she's been doing for her whole life. Who the hell says macdaddy? And especially to an old person.

Adm. Dean Winslow: I want a man with a tattoo on his dick. Have I got the right man?


Hes a RICH idiot with the No 1 show on the FN.


He use to get on my nerves so bad at first with the glasses and stupid outline of the tan from them on his face. I first saw Guy's Big Bite and hated it, then I started watching this show. It's much better, he's kinda grown on me over time. Now this is one of my favorite shows. I'd say give him a couple chances, and if you still hate him we'll then you always will. I kinda like the fact they he's just a regular dude on the show stuffing his face all the time in different joints.


Guy is funny, down to earth and an all around good guy. Anyone coming here to complain is the loser. Now, shoo.


I am mostly curious what your friend had to say about guy. Occasionally i wonder if hes too stuck up at the places but i never know. Can you please supply me with the restaurants name and if its not too much an episode #. If an episode # is not possible a restaurant name will work fine, thanks.


First off, ITA about the sunglasses behind the head...i don't get it. I keep thinking that the glasses are going to fall off, but since he's got such a big fat head, they're snug and fit.

I watched a few half episodes and I seriously am ill. Guy is a grossely overweight host in a nation with an obesity epidemic. He either has serious cardiovascular conditions or is definitely on his way there. Watching him shovel down the high-fat, cholesterol-filled foods seriously makes me NOT want to eat those things. Even though Batali and Lagasse aren't exactly thin, I do not get grossed out by watching them. Maybe it's because they take pride in cooking and do it with finesse that it's not disgusting to watch. Also, when Batali and Lagasse eat their creations, they eat it like a human being, not shovel it down like a farm animal that hasn't been fed.


Guy's decent enough. Gets along well with the staffs of these places and sums up his taste-testing pretty well. At times he second-guesses the cooks decisions on ingrediants a little too much, other than that he's fair. I mostly lost respect for him seeing what a d,ick he was to the Food Network Star contestants.


Are you kidding me? I've seen Batali many times and he is BIG! Cardiovascualr issues??? Serious? He doesnt eat burgers and fried chicken 3 meals a day, every day of the year ... its a show ... and it's about american diner food, not refined creole and italian cusine ... and Guy's big bite has beeen pretty good. I've cooked a few of his dishes and they are good and healthy.

Lest we forget Julia Child and her cooking dishes with butter, butter, and . . . more butter!!!



Beyond the whining just for the sake of whining that most of you are doing; the single dumbest thing that you lot and others are complaining about is his reactions to the food he eats in those places. It’s predictable? Well, yeah, kind of. It is his job to showcase these places for the program. And how much more would you whiney little people be complaining if he was on TV telling people that are busting their backsides to make a living that their food is absolutely god awful and that he could find better by throwing a dart at a map of the city?

Guy: ”Wow! This burger tastes about as good as the camera man’s shoe. We ate a better meal before coming here at the Hardees down the street.”

Net Whiners: ”Did you see how mean Guy was to that little old lady who’s spent all those years pouring her time and money into that business? He just trashed it on national TV! What an @$$!”

And, just in case you haven’t been paying attention, He has said on more than a few stops that what he was eating probably wasn’t going to be on his must have list again. He doesn’t praise everything.

Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are. Brillat-Savarin


I love the way Guy eats, with gusto. Not afraid to eat BIG and enjoy it. Shovel away, I say !!



The glasses do look stupid. It looks like he's trying too hard to be different. The show isn't the least bit original. Heavy set guy who eats and clowns around in the kitchen. He does have a beautiful Camaro though.
