Guy is an idiot.
Hearing the stories from a friend of mine that works in the kitchen at one of the places he visited, and just from watching the show myself, it's easy to conclude that Guy Fieri is a talentless hack and a douchebag to boot. here are the top 5 things that i hate about him.
#1. the glasses behind the head. i want to jam them down his throat.
#2. the "i'm so cool attitude" we don't care where you're from, looking like a fat surfer-hippie is only cool if YOU AREN'T A TOTAL TOOLBAG ON TELEVISION.. if ever.
#3. Talking down to pretty much everyone he encounters, as if they have a god or genius gracing them with his presence. free publicity isn't worth that.
#4. EVERYTHING THAT COMES OUT OF HIS MOUTH. but not the stuff going in. the food on that show all looks delectable. however, his reactions to biting into things are predictable and boring. no one cares what you think of the food, just eat it and smile at the camera you stupid gorilla. IT'S the important part, not you.
#5. Flip flops in the kitchen. there's a time and place for almost-bare feet, and it's not there. not to mention what happens if you drop a fork on your toe, and then decide you'd like to be a little richer by putting one of these great places out of business, dillweed. put some shoes on.
...Who's with me?
"So say we all."