Why was this even made?
Watched Shazam 2 and it is frankly...terrible. There's 0 character development. The kids are supposed to be older but they act even more immaturely and stupidly. It is jarring and off putting. There's too many heroes and heroines now and none are worth following. One of the shazams, Mary, is beautiful with a nice... um.. well.. but she is the only one who sort of acts her age and is a bit better written.
The others are a parody tbh.
They should have only had 1 Shazam. This is a justice league in itself with so many heroes and heroines.
The villains in Helen Mirren and Lucy Liu were laughable tbh. They phoned it in for the money. Maybe did all scenes in 2 takes max.
The plot, direction, dialogs, acting are all sub par. Quite not as bad as Eternals but it was childish and frankly bad.
Antman was not good but it was much better than this.
I'd rate this a 5/10.