Excellent Show - New era of post SJW feminist drama?
This is great thus far (currently about four episodes in).
There's something different about this show though. If you read a synopsis you might think - here we go again, yet another tale of a strong woman overcoming a male dominated world. But it really doesn't play out like that at all (so far anyway!).
There's even a great scene where her adoptive mother is reading out a very feminine perspective article which was written about her for a magazine and she's annoyed, saying something like - "What difference does it make whether I'm a girl, what does it matter? Why can't it just be about me being good at chess?"
It's quite refreshing. There isn't even any real - you're a girl, you can't play chess! - moments from her male opponents, which is almost shocking given how that would have been ham-fisted in by the majority of screenwriters these days.
This might be a dawning light for the path entertainment hopefully takes...
Plus - The chess itself is good! They make a proper stab at doing it right rather than just using it as the usual paper thin plot metaphor.