MovieChat Forums > Surrogates (2009) Discussion > Why not use a crazy surrogate? Like a WE...

Why not use a crazy surrogate? Like a WEREWOLF or stuff like that.

This movie was nice. I like movies in the near future, like Minority Report, A.I., I Robot. It's always fun to see how it's depicted and the little details of the future.

Anyway, the only thing that really annoyed me was the following: why wouldn't people use crazy/weird/bizarre surrogates, as they do in games like Second Life and World of Warcraft and stuff.

I BET it would be like that, if this sort of thing existed. Who would want a boring surrogate if they could be a smoking hot woman, a werewolf, an ORK, a POLAR BEAR, you name it. Hehe. It could be heaps fun.

What would you like to be? I'd like to be a platypus (not very useful, but very funny).


My surrie would be bi-polar . Lol


My guess is that this would be common when surrogates first became popular, but in the society in the movie, most people use surrogates and people are only allowed to use one at a time. That means the furries could have their fox surrogate, but they would have to use it for job interviews. This would get old fast.

Personally, I don't think more than a third of the population would resort to using surrogates on a more than a recreational basis.

"Speak softly and carry a sakabatou."


Yeah I thought about that too.

Personally I would think there would be people who would want to look like their favourite movie characters. I could see a lot of surrogates who looked like anime characters or the blue monkeys from avatar :P



I think there will be half of the Blacks will disappear, they will use a white surrogates...


only those with serious self-image issues. I think with all the weird ones walking around race would become more of a non-issue. Bigotry is based on fear. Being in a Surrie eliminates fear of physical harm. No one would know what anyone looked like anymore. I would guess discrimination would be focused more on ideological differences.


You mean like Steinberg. A stubby middle aged white guy who chose a tall, athletic black man to be his Surrogate.

I hate to bust your fantasy bubble fishmaw but billions of humans on the planet are OK not being white.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


Maybe there were rules about the type of Surrogates you could have, maybe it had to be similar to you in physical appearance at least, the world of Surrogates was not so much as a virtual world to be whoever you wanted to be, but as a precaution to prevent the spread of disease and contaminationSource:Movie Review For Surrogates


They probably do, but it would be distracting in this storyline.

This comment was typed in front of a live studio audience.


I coudl see people having a few surrogates.

One respectable one for work and then the alternative ones for play


There would have definitely been more variety other than supermodel types. Believe it or not, not all of us want to look a Victoria's Secret model. There would have been goth types, skateboard, emo, steampunk, rock, gangster etc etc types all over the place. That was one of the things that ruined the movie for me a bit, I don't think it's believable in the slightest that the majority of the human population would all want to look like models.

They should have looked at Blade Runner or even The Fifth Element. Actually scratch that, why not just look at modern times?


Also, the surrogates seemed to have just normal human abilities, yet Greer and his partner's body (when occupied by Canter), both exhibited superhuman jumping ability. If they can have such ability it should be OK to also use temporary bodies (hired at a shop, custom made, or used at a fun parlour) to simulate animal bodies, etc. Imagine if they wanted to make an Aliens or Predator movie, the actors could use surrogate bodies built to be like the alien creatures. If they wanted to make an historic movie the actor could whilst playing his/her role have a surrogate body based on the historic Napoleon, etc.
Imagine what LARP players could do, etc.
Or costume parties where people can not simply dress as an historic or fantasy character but have a surrogate that looked like the chosen person or entity.

Also, an issue that wasn't dealt with, as outside the scope of the action plot of the movie, was identity theft due to illegal body sculpts to imitate other people.
What most people were doing was legal imitation of their own bodies, with some choosing to have legal surrogate bodies different to their own bodies.
