If You Hate America, You'll Love This Film!!
Plot summary: noble, fearless Viet Cong extract revenge on slovenly, poorly disciplined, and easy to despise group of American international war criminals.
sharePlot summary: noble, fearless Viet Cong extract revenge on slovenly, poorly disciplined, and easy to despise group of American international war criminals.
shareGonna check this out right now!
Freddy Krueger without Robert Englund is like a unicorn without a horn.
This movie is definatley biased in favor of the Communists, despite what Johnny and Josh say in this blog. In the director's interview Uwe called our attempt to keep South Vietnam free an "American invasion." No! The invasion was from North Vietnam and their underlings in the Viet Cong. We were trying to stop that invasion. It was not an even handed movie. it also gave the impression that the left always tries to give, that the war was between the Americans and "the Vietnamese" as if all Vietnamese were Commies. We were helping South Vietnam repel the Communists who were trying to create a hell on earth regime similar to that behind the Iron Curtain. I'd like to see more movies where the South Vietnamese are portrayed.
sharewell, tedmccarron, is this what you learned in school in history in U.S.?
i´m asking serious, it´s interesting what the kids learn in school in a country which once where involved in a war.
i´m asking cause you are negoating propably every hostorical truth about the vietnam war.
you sound a little bit like a north corean party member......;-(((
Yeah its pretty pathetic isn't it.