MovieChat Forums > The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010) Discussion > why do people dislike Nicholas Cage so m...

why do people dislike Nicholas Cage so much?

A lot of people think he's the worst actor ever. I don't realy understand the hate for nicholas cage. He seems pretty cool and a good actor to me. He has sold out in a lot of movies and comes out with a lot of trash these days but who doesn't who has been around as long as he has.


Excelent said, LaneMyer8, especially with actors like him doing pop corn movies. There is nothing wrong with that anywayz, actors should play different roles and be in different kind of movies.

And if he is going through difficult times, then why people like to attack him even more. That´s jus disgusting, I find no joy in doing that.

But people in this world is a kind of sick these days and like bullying over a totaly strager to them a lot.

Do you recognize my voice...?



It's what people call films they feel are mindless fun for two hours and then easily forgotten.



I myself don't care about any of that crap. I like him in his movies, whether he picks roles now just for the money or not is irrelevant. As long as I'm entertained by his performances, then I see no problem with the quality of the roles he chooses. People seem to forget that these people are actors. They don't exist so that people can decide how they live their lives. Cage wants/needs the money. Fine by me. I'm not going to boycott his movies because of it.

I wouldn't go as far as to call his movies terrible. I mean they are bad in the sense that you can tell they're just there to make money, and not really trying to achieve anything, but if you like Nicholas Cage performances then they're pretty watchable.


I must say I appreciate this thread and the comments so far. I find it strange that people can simply dismiss his body of work because of where his career is now. He has done good work in the past so in my opinion he is capable of doing it again.

Focker, out.


I like Nic as an actor and in some of his roles but not others (I can't think of any actor who I love in all their roles, frankly!).

But I think the disdain some have for Nic comes from the fact that he came from a quirky, arty film background (I'm thinking about his work in movies like Raising Arizona and such) and then seemingly "sold out" to work in big budget flicks that seem to rely more on explosions and CGI than acting.

I think a lot of why he gets flack is for that. He lost his 'cool', 'hipster' factor so some people seem to feel the need to bash him. At least that's how it seems to me.

Bobby: "Did you know my first girlfriend turned out to be a-?"


Face Off
Raising Arizona


I know that some people don't like him because he is a Coppola and think that he got to where he is that way. I have found that many actors are second, third, even fifth generation Hollywood, so it seems irrelevant to say that someone became famous just because of who he is related to. I never though about how he went from artsy films to big budget action flicks. I agree, that could be why some people dislike Cage and you raised an excellent point.

"I won't pretend to be your friend cause I'm just not that nice." -Tairrie B Murphy of My Ruin


Sorry Bill Kilgore, but Cage made a lot of quality/great movies after Leaving Las Vegas, including:

-City of Angels
-Snake Eyes
-Bringing Out the Dead
-Lord of War

Sorry, but just because the guy is a flexible actor who wants to extend/test his talents doesn't mean he's a money-grubbing Hollywood tool. Sure, Cage can sometime 'over-act' certain roles, but when you fit this guy with a 'QUALITY' script, Cage delivers. -He's easily one of the greatest actors of our time.


I've liked Nicholas Cage ever since he did Peggy Sue Got Married.
I also love Andy Samberg's imitation of him.
We all go through hard times, so I'm not going to judge him on that.


And The Rock

Liked him in that and Face Off, and Gone In 60 Seconds



I love Nic Cage, stars in some of my fav movies!



I think with Nic Cage, he is like 'the little girl with a curl'.

When he is good, he is very, very good, but when he is bad, he is horrid.

"I can't stand a naked light bulb, any more than..a rude remark or a vulgar action" Blanche DuBois


Nicolas Cage is one of the 3 or 4% actors that has made a small fortune acting on the silver screen. When you review his filmography you note that he started acting in the early 80s. That makes him an actor of 31 years. That's impressive and quite a long time in earth years. And for some folks to find his work less then satisfactory i doubt he cares ... much. He has been in some duds but that's show business. You win some you lose some. However, his filmography record has some real jewels such as Sorcerer's Apprentice. What I like is he gives his all to his characters. In 'Kiss of Death' for example he plays a self-obsessed nephew of a mobster who does whatever he pleases. What I liked was how really mean he portrayed his character. He had no qualms being mean and violent and showing that he could harm the very innocent and young so he could have his way. That's called acting and Cage is good at his craft.
