8 years of buildup down the drain. All to appease the casual "fans" who will soon forget about this show and move onto whatever the next big thing being hyped up will be, while the true fans are left behind with a show forever ruined. It's not fair man :(


We true fans who, you know, pay attention to the show, loved 8.3. I do admit that I am sorry for those of us who could not see it clearly.

You, not so much.


It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.


What are 'true fans'? Do you think the majority of the 12mil viewers are Martin book devotees?

And nearly every show suffers from last season-itis, so this is nothing new.

Hard to name one that was able to stick the landing.


Hmmm, you seem to think pretty highly of yourself- being the only one who can decide what a ‘real’ fan is like.
Soooo just to get this straight- if someone does NOT agree with your opinion- they are not a real fan? Right?
Hope for you and people around you that you are not that opinionated about everything and everyone :p
