My thoughts:
It seems like the Cersei story may never end. I still don't feel the show has enough time to wrap all this up the right way. I thought WWs would be a bigger part of this ep titled "Eastwatch"...nope. I still feel the show is trying to squeeze in these silly political subplots. And the fact they're dragging out Cercie's story arc to the last season is almost infuriating.
It's painfully obvious the writers for some reason love Lena Headey and her bad acting and 2 expressions. Maybe she gives great head or something. It's just sad that the show has become an embarrassing joke because of it.
<< 3 expressions -- you're forgetting that she laughed in Season 1 and again in Season 2. >>
People keep dwelling on Cersei's limited facial expressions. ALL the characters are pretty limited in their expressions. Does the Hound change expressions much? Does Littlefinger? For that matter, do Sansa, Arya or Jon Snow? That guy who ran the House of Black + White seems to never change his expression at all, and no one's calling HIM a bad actor.
Who are cast members that change their expressions a LOT?
Littlefinger is probably the worst offender on your list, followed by Jon.
I'll give a pass to the House of Black and White dude; if Botox can mess up someone's expressiveness, I think wearing another person's face might also have some impact.
But the others have displayed quite a range of emotion.
<< But the others have displayed quite a range of emotion. >>
Maybe they do...but when I think of the characters, they just appear one way in my head, basically. I'd hardly call any of them extroverts (except maybe the psychos like Joffrey and Ramsay.) (Margery also was pretty lively.)
But Bran has no discernible facial movement, nor does Melisande.
Catelyn Stark: Had basically 2 expressions, either tender or stoic.
Brienne is pretty stone faced.
The High Sparrow? Grey Worm? Little to no variety. Jim Broadbent as Maester Marwyn. Ditto.
I mean....I hate to drag this down to what many seem to feel is becoming an all too common cry, but isn't it just maybe a LITTLE sexist to be calling out Cersei/Lena Headey for having limited expressions, when really everyone in the cast of characters is pretty much written within a certain, unwavering key? (I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, BTW)
How many times has Tyrion turned on a burst-of-sunbeams smile?
Yes....perhaps. But the character is dry. Dry wit, cool demeanor, He's been in tough situations but has not cracked too badly. He is consistent.
Cersei is consistent, too.
It just bugs me that people are criticizing Lena Heady for "using 2 or 3 facial expressions", when it's hard to think of many other characters on the show who vary their moods or facial expresions much either.
I loved Arya's expression when she was interrogating Sansa. She was looking right through her. Reminded me of Arya's early interactions in the House of Black and White. She clearly learned well...
<< a lot of [the] actors/actresses/characters do seem to have limited facial expressions. >>
Thank you.
I don't mean the actors are wooden. Maybe it's just that with so many characters, when they do write a scene for one, it has to be unwaveringly about the essence of who they are, or else the balance of the overall scheme of things gets thrown off (?)
Reek got some variety in there. But his sister would fall into the category of "I'm impatiently holding my ground" and that's sort of it. Which is fine. But really, Cersei doesn't seem less expressive to me than, say, Charles Dance was.
<< Honestly, I think Arya is the most expressive. She smiles and laughs, but she can also be a stone-cold killer. >>
She has grown on me much much more ever since she went thru her blind phase. I think I only started to enjoy her in her whole "cockles + mussels" phase. (Maybe it was the hairdo?)
You know, you are entitled to criticizing actors or actresses on the show, many may even agree with you but saying that "she must give great head or something" really reflects badly on you and makes your opinion irrelevant. Don't you have a mother, sister, gf/wife, daughter, friend, etc in your life that you demean them with such crass crude disgusting remarks?
I don't understand people who disrespect the other sex as if you have no intimate/familial relations with one ever.
If the writers sacrificed quality writing to prop up a male actor over every other member of the cast I would have made the same comment since giving and receiving head is not gender specific. The question is would you have or is your OUTRAGE reserved for what you perceive as 'crass crude disgusting remarks' only when you feel it's aimed at women?
So that is how you normally talk? Is that a custom where you're from? Do you talk to your mother that way or sister?
Where I come from you don't talk that way and such comments are often used by foreigners to target and demean women, denying it is dishonest. And I have never talked or said such crude things about men. And our men don't say or talk such crude things about their women unless they are assumed to be potential rapists.
Also I have often defended men in this very board, the fact that you assume that there is this war between sexes and men should side with men and women only with women reflects your limited capacity to empathize with the opposite sex and I pity you for it.
Btw are you an American? What country are you from? And do you think you are a good representative of the general population of your country? I'm curious about differing cultures and if your words and actions are common where you're from.
You're kind of ridiculous, huh? NO men in the fantasy land you live in ever say anything you consider rude? Just the evil "foreigners" who apparently are "assumed to be potential rapists". Sounds like a great place to live unless you look different than the citizens. Since putting everyone into a box is very important to you, where do you live? Sounds like one of those overwhelmingly white countries where everyone thinks of themselves as enlightened despite looking down on anyone that's slightly different.
I'm not sure if you're a jingoist or just a bigot but you seem like both. So what goosestepping utopia do you live in?
Men where I'm from can be rude but they don't say to women or make remarks flippantly about women publicly giving blow jobs. I never said foreigners are evil, I said this kind of demeaning sexual talk I find comes from foreigners. I don't assume foreigners are rapists but local men of ours who would talk in such a way is generally assumed to be a potential rapist.
I once encountered a 13 year old Black American little girl who talked about having a penis and was saying she was 'hard', as shocking as I found that to be, I assume such sex talks even for a little girl claiming to have a sexual organ she doesn't publicly, is cultural. But a Filipina girl would never talk in such a way. So yes, it is cultural.
I'm from the Philippines, we are not white nor overwhelmingly so. And yes, I find Filipinos enlightened on many things but also ignorant in many others. It is the same for every other country I assume. We are just more respectful towards each other and being disrespectful is one of the worse things one can say to a Filipino and the word disrespect doesn't even encompass the gravity of the situation. So one would not come up to a stranger, a woman and say she is giving blowjobs to get her position in life unless that Filipino is nefarious.
I don't know what a jingoist is but it's probably one of the new slang words American make up like SJWs? You make new words and terms daily, who can keep up with you?
You have yet to answer any of my questions and I will take it that you have shame for your words and you know that what you said is wrong even in your culture. But I will assume you are an American and probably not white since you seem to have hostility towards white people as well.
You know being an extremist and having extremist views is never good. Assuming all women or whites are the 'other' and evil (since that is your projection) is a reflection on your character.
So you live in one of the worst countries for sex trafficking in the world but everyone is really respectful of each other?!! WOW!!!! You're not just a bigot you're also either a clueless moron or totally disingenuous. The irony in your smug comments have been amusing at least. Sadly it's obvious the humor was unintentional on your part.
Sex trafficking? It isn't the worse, and no not everyone is respectful of each other but they try to be, being disrespectful is considered 'bastos' and the worse thing you can be.
You call me a bigot but you made crude bigoted statements against women, white people, and apparently you stating that my country is the worse for sex trafficking is far more totally disingenuous and malicious. All you are capable of doing is making crude, crass, pejorative remarks against people and groups, as well as lies it seems. Of course we have problems with human trafficking as well as drug lords/etc but on the scale of statistics we are very far from the worst worldwide. My country and people were matriarchal originally and that is reflected in our society and schools still. There are more women who graduate highschool and College here and more of them are honor students than men. You know next to nothing about my country. And you finding all of these things moronic really does represent who you are as a person:
What is even more sad is I just wasted my time on you, and you have had no significant contribution to the discussion except for your myriad of profanities. Thank God there is finally an IGNORE feature on here, you will be my first and feel free to type even more crude bigoted profane words, I won't be here to read them because that is the extent of your capabilities it seems.
You are a racist that makes excuses for selling women and children into sex slavery and when I call you on your hypocrisy you throw a tantrum and then run away with your fat fingers jammed in your ears. Don't waste any more of my time you ignorant bigot.
I think its kind of realistic that some states'men' continue to be blind to the real threat to the realm...Cersei is behaving like a lot of real-world leaders would
If we told our Senators that a horde of aliens (feel free to choose your own existential threat...) were pouring over the border from Canada im sure they would laugh us out of the room
Having said that i do agree that the queen is being an obstinant dummy lol
That's not my issue, my issue is them dragging out the Cerci, Danny conflict. There was this HUGE hype over "The War For the Dawn" for only the show to be shoehorning more "Game of Thrones" political intrigue BS into the story. The main conflict is being sub-planted by political melodrama still. I'm more interested in what's GRRM plans for the book series ending tbh. And i don't even read the books lol
Respect your opinion Emp!
I guess im just a sucker for the backstabbing political melodrama lol
Its what really makes this whole crazy show work for me!
It's a case of Political Intrigue vs. Sword and Sorcery stuff. Though i don't know if GRRM intended the former to be dragged out beyond the first 3 books.
I can see that, The show just tends to flip flop on that. I really wonder do D&D really know what their endgame is. And if they do know the end game do they know how to get there? I feel like the political stuff is their safe fallback since the WW are frankly underdeveloped, and they kno more people are more emotionally invested in hate watching Danny and Sansa.
I read the books a few years ago and loved them-
The political stuff keeps up throughout all five novels...part of the charm i suppose!
GRRM created a work of genius by blending the 'real' political world with the fantastic dragons and ice-wights etc...
In any event MadamShogun, i think Mr Martin wanted all the political stuff included and i think its just fine as is (imo:))
I agree. I was kind of hoping we would be done with Cersei this season. This "armistice" nonsense seems like the showrunners' ploy to just keep it going.
If we ever get to read the last two books, I think we are going to see major divergences from what HBO is putting on the screen.
I still think Cersei was meant to die this season, But for whatever reason they changed their minds. YouTuber Charlie from Emergency Awesome said that the writers wrote themselves into a corner with the WW. So they have no choice but to use Cersie to the bitter end. I don't read the books but was the White Walkers developed differently from the books?
The first 3 episodes of next season were originally going to be the last 3 of this season, something happened before season 5 where they had to add 3 more episodes to the entire show. Remember they didn't have Bran at all in season 5. We probably won't know until after the show ends, but I'd guess their biggest problem was the Dorne storyline turned out to be a lot more than they could do in the time they had, so that's where they did a lot of cutting.
Yeah, i was always trying to give D&D the benefit of the doubt with that. But at the end of the day, they're the ones that wanted everything short. So in the end it still falls in their lap. Especially after the revelation that HBO would have given them all the time they needed.
Yes. Dany not sacking kings landing and becoming her father was a huge disappointment for many of us. Years we waited. And now she is sidelined by Jon snow. Lol. Pathetic. I'm serious. Quite lame and I highly doubt this is what happens in the books
I'm almost certain Cercie dies before the War For the Dawn in the books. Unless GRRM changed his mind, or alternatively D&D is completely off the rails plot wise
I thought the whole point of the show was the political stuff set in a D&D world. Like how original Star Trek was really social commentary but set in outer space.
I've lost interest in the political stuff as well. There's pretty much noone left for it to be interesting anyway.
We have Cersei.
Littlefinger, though I have no idea what he's doing!
Euron just want to destroy shit I feel.
Dany is joining Jon up North eventually.
Jon isn't interested, at all.
Sansa isn't quite there yet, to join the "big" political players.
You can't have political intrigue with just one person doing it!
For years, this show has been described as "The Lord of the Rings meets The Sopranos." That probably is the précis for GoT's pitch meeting. Politic+sword+sorcery=Game of Thrones. If you don't like the political maneuvering, that's fine; but then, this is not the show for you.
Curious that you've stuck with Game of Thrones for 6 1/2 YEARS and are now bellyaching after, what?, 13 posts on MovieChat?
I stuck with it because of promises of things to come. And i never said i HATED the political maneuvering, what i said was that it's kinda late to still be trying to beat that dead horse. The politics is a PART of the show, not THE show itself.
I feel that the writers aren't comfortable with there being no conflict in winterfell or within Danny's court. So they stretch these conflicts out to keep certain segments of the fanbase happy. To be fair a lot of folks seems to like it. I personally find it to be kinda filler-ish, and counter productive to moving the plot forward. Frankly speaking i think YouTuber Alachia Queen was right in calling this "false drama".