MovieChat Forums > Taken (2009) Discussion > Racist against Arabs

Racist against Arabs

The last scene was so unnecessary....Do people really think Arab Sheikhs had no better job than buying white girls on flesh market????


There's a certain "type" of patron these and movies like "Red Dawn" appeal to: "Muricans" who secretly fear the "brown man" taking over America and corrupting their lily-white daughters. Liam is an actor who is aimed at this target market as well.



There's a certain "type" of patron these and movies like "Red Dawn" appeal to: "Muricans" who secretly fear the "brown man" taking over America and corrupting their lily-white daughters. Liam is an actor who is aimed at this target market as well.

There are other movies to be found which cater to a different type of cultural "patron" also. Right?

Is there something wrong with making a movie which caters to a certain demographic?

Or perhaps the real issue is that you feel there is something wrong with certain demographic types while others are okay?


And don't you tell me what to do..I say what the hell I want you don't like it tough!


Americans always want to make like white women are so desirable. The truth they don't respect them in Europe, they always come across as loose women, no common sense, and just plain delusional about their desirability.


Americans always want to make like white women are so desirable.

That's just you talking.

The truth they don't respect them in Europe, they always come across as loose women

So the real truth comes out. You find white women desirable but you don't respect them and you consider them loose.

Next time please be more truthful and openly speak for yourself and don't pretend you can speak for others.


Him for sure.
I doubt its a common trait though.
What lets you assume that all are like that?

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!
