MovieChat Forums > Precious (2009) Discussion > How the hell do 'poor' people get so fat...

How the hell do 'poor' people get so fat?

Not only in this movie, but everywhere. I see it every day... huge obese women carting huge obese children to the welfare office. Getting and staying that fat has got to cost a fortune.


OP, do you not realize that junk food is cheaper then healthy food. Compare the price of a meal at McDonalds to the money and education it requires to prepare a low fat nutritionally balanced meal.


It also comes down to knowing what to eat and where to get it. I eat 3 healthy meals on $5 a day. You just have to not be lazy, clip coupons, plan your meals, and do not sway from your budget. It can be done, you just need to want to do it.


Why are you hanging out at welfare offices?...are you on welfare?...are you fat????




Pig feet (the thing Precious cooks at home) is actually a healthy low-fat meat. It is also known for its natural collagen, good for your skin. It's quite a delicacy in many the way they described it as a disgusting food was misinformed.


Our government heavily subsidizes corn farmers (but not fruits and veggies farmers) - hence the overabundance of corn in America. Corn syrup (obviously made from corn) is added to all kinds of high calorie high carb junk food (and many others). Cheap food and high calories = excess weight.


poor people eat bad food. bad food makes you fat.

I met a woman once who volunteered at a church that gave food to the poor. when I asked what was the best food to donate, she said peanut butter. they can eat 3 meals a day from the jar and it is good for them.

if all you had to eat all day was peanut butter, you would get fat too.



Can you read a label? Do you know how to determine the fat content per serving in something? Do you know the difference between a complex and a simple carb? If you don't you won't understand the following.

Go to the grocery store and compare the prices & nutritional labels of:

1 lb fresh spinach (not one package - one pound).
1 lb lean chicken breast
1 lb dark chicken (legs and thighs)
1 package of ramen noodles
1 dozen eggs
1 package potato chips
1 package baked corn chips
1 box of sugary cereal
1 box of high quality, low sugar cereal

You're going to find that by and large the less expensive stuff is the stuff that is full of fat and simple carbs and low fiber - the very things that cause obesity.

Spinach is more expensive, per pound, than most inexpensive meats. Lettuce isn't a good alternative because it has no fiber, no nutrients, nothing good. It's all water and filler (that's why it's cheap).

Thighs and legs are at least half the cost of breast. Sometimes one quarter the cost. Thighs and legs are full of fat, breast not so much.

Poor people are fatter because they can't afford good, nutritious food. This leads to depression, which leads to less activity, which leads to more obesity. They can't afford to go on ski trips, they can't afford to keep themselves in those 100.00 running shoes, they can't afford to join the gym, they can't afford the sitter while they go to the gym, they can't afford to see the doctor when they have early signs of diabetes caused by all those simple carbs.

This is a never ending statement. I could go on and on and on and on.


true. healthy food is more expensive.


Laziness that is how. It is easier to cook a microwave meal or go to mcdonalds. Hell a pack off apples costs as much as a big mac and lasts longer.


