I haven't seen the movie, however, I was raised Catholic, and had experiences with their bizarre behavior. I have to say the nuns were the most unpleasant, vicious uncaring people you could hope to meet, even if you went to prison. I kid you not.
They allowed bullying to go on, As I was the smallest kid in the school, I was constantly bullied by the 12 graders on the football team. I quickly learned how to cool their ardor for such fun. A swift kick in the nuts, or I carried a hardback schoolbook with a leather strap and hit them there.
Once this boy, said to me. "You know what I'm going to do to you?"
I said, "Not half of what I'm going to do to you!"
And hit him with the book right where he lived. Then he ran crying to Sister Mary-Catherine. "Marilyn hit me with her book!"
I had to laugh, she was so consoling. "Ah, face if Mathew that's as close as you've gotten to a book in your life."
One time I saw sitting in class, and I saw Sister Mary-Magdalene coming behind me, so kept an eye on her. What is with Irish Catholic nuns and the Sister-Mary-whatever? Anyway when she swung her ruler at me, I ducked and she slammed the boy ahead of me with the ruler. It was a big ruler. He turned around and said "why'd you do that?" She said, and I quote. "You weren't paying attention."
I read the bible and tortured the nuns with questions they could NOT answer.
Now I knew a Father Eddie, he wasn't Irish, he was funny, informed, a real delight to be with while my mother worked in the rectory. He died in the summer of my 9th year. This New priest showed up. I couldn't believe him, he said, "Father Eddie's dead, I'm here NOW!"
I just said, he must die! I acted all innocent and said, "Jesus is god, right?" The idiot fell for it hook line and sinker. Then I said, "God created the universe, right? So why did the apostles have to go fishing for food? Couldn't Jesus make them a cheeseburger out of nothing?" You never saw anyone skedaddle like that in your life, and I never saw him again. I later learned he was accused of molesting children.
Thanks to my training with the football team, he would have got the same treatment as they did. Then he could explain the injuries to the emergency team.