I appreciate you taking the time to debate with fans, but you might be interested to know a little known secret.
People who pirate, people who watch movies, people who make movies, people who couldn't care less about movies... What we all have in common is this: We are all people.
I own over 400 DVD's. I stopped buying completely as soon as I heard the first news report about the change from DVD to HD DVD/Blu-Ray.
It should be mentioned that I, within my limited lifetime(I'm 24), have already once experienced selling ALL my VHS tapes to exchange what I could for DVD's as soon as possible.
Then after, what seemed a few years to me, I'm looking at another format war. Really?
Christ, it'll never end.
I will not buy another damn movie until:
1. Prices on Blu-Ray's reach the current level of DVD's.
2. Blu-Ray players reach the current level of DVD's.
Until that happens, I'll just continue to rent directly from my couch using this wonderful service we have in Denmark. (Another reason why BlockBuster is living on borrowed time.)
It's purely about economics. The offering of movies has gone UP UP UP for years now, not to mention all the other possible avenues of entertainment we are exposed to.
I like to read books, I like to play video games, I like to watch movies, listen to music, go to the cinema, have a nice meal at a restaurant and the list goes on.
Prices for these entertainment products have gone up, as have prices for foodstuffs, gasoline and what have you. My wages have not changed nearly as much.
I can either;
Spend most of my entertainment budget by buying a Blu-Ray movie, which in all likelyhood will turn out to be utter *beep* or I can rent it from my couch.
The cost is less for renting, and it will have paid for itself if I decide to add that film to my collection. Why? Because by the time Blu-Ray prices drop, I can add the price of renting the film on top of the Blu-Ray price, and it would STILL be cheaper than buying it now. You probably know this to be true if you think hard.
I am in the minority, but I prefer to own everything I possibly can. But between wanting to buy more books and music as well - that takes away from the money I'd otherwise spend on films. I am thinking it's the same for many of my fellow humans out there, and I've got a suspicion it might be the same for you. Oh, wait, you get new movies for free - right? My stepfather who works in movie-licensing brings home stacks of movies each month - as a perk of the job. It's probably the same for you. Or am I mistaken?
I am, like I said, 24 years of age.
I own over 400 DVD's. I used to own slightly under 1000 VHS films, which I got rid of the moment DVD's appeared.
I own well over 500 CD's, the majority of which have only been used ONE TIME. The one time they were placed in my computer, and ripped to FLAC format for me to enjoy however I want to enjoy them. Besides, the life-span of digital media like CD's and DVD's is limited at best. I want them digital where I can back them up, but I do enjoy having the cases on the shelf.
I also own well over 200 Novels, both fiction and non-fiction - not to mention the magazines I've collected over the years.
I still buy Vinyl, by the way, it's coming back I tell you!
I realize this is a long rant, hell, it's longer than I originally intended. But you shouldn't be blind to the plights of the consumers you're trying to understand.
We would all, well barring the minority, buy every single film, cd and/or book we could if we had the financial ability to do so.
Fact is, we all have limited disposable income. What we spend it on is a roll of the dice, but I must add my voice to the choir of people who correctly say that a pirated download does not equal a lost sale.
I'm allowed to try on clothes before I buy them, even when I get them over the internet, why does the same not apply for movies?
Every single one of the movies in my collection has been viewed time and again, and I pride myself on owning all this. But then, I really don't own them - do I? I merely have a limited license to watch.
The system is broken, the sooner you realize it, the better of you'll be in the end.
That's more or less my argument, and I apologize for the length of it. It's just not every day you get the chance to say something to an actual producer.
I am hoping the movie does not disappoint, but rest assured I will rent before I buy. And even if I do buy - it'll be years down the road, still.
All the best to you and yours!
Edit 4 minutes after initial post: I'll apologize in advance if my linguistic skills fall short, English is not my native tongue. :-)