What was wrote on that bit of paper.?

When they looked at it and it glowed yellow..?That would make them famous and change history.?


The letter to Hollywood?


"Dear Hollywood, please stop making so many crappy movies..."
"Tips to help: story is king; remakes; Jude Law; Han shot first; more Firefly and/or Serenity".
You can see that while he's doing the "list", he remarks 2 parts with a square that you see when he finishes the list, cut the paper out of the book and puts it on the table. When you see the list just before getting wet, you see is the same list.
Also, Millie says "this is as good as it gets, you won't change or alter the culture"; so, I would say that the list did change Hollywood's way of making movies :p


In the garden however it seems they were referring to something on the other side of the paper to the Hollywood list. You never actually get to see the other side of the paper though I think and then its destroyed. I think its just one of those things that are to be left to imagination or "Imagineers".

But I think after their time travelling / parallel universe adventures are done, the writer will have enough material to become a international (or intergalactic?) bestseller and then get his own island. And no death this time since that whole pub death fiasco is out the picture. Of course if you wanna think there was an island death fiasco thats everyones perogative.


Exactly like the bag in "Pulp fiction". When they opened it we saw a yellow glitter and we couldn't see inside. Tarantino said the bag contained whatever U imagine it contains. It's left for your imagination because all answers would seem incovenient.


The same thing that's in the briefcase in Pulp Fiction.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!



It was a list of all the women Tiger Woods had slept with.. who am i kidding, the bit of paper wasnt big enough.


im pretty sure it was a tip on how to use the english language properly and not use the the sentence "what was wrote on.."


Using the English language properly like repeating the for no reason?


typo really - not bad english



IMHO it would devalue the movie to know what was on the piece of paper. Mystery and suspense.

If I had to guess what was on the paper, I'd say a plot for a time-travel movie, where the fictional description of how time travel would work - would actually work. So they invented time travel. But no need for that, IMHO.


Well, I can't really make it out, but here are two screenshots of the bit of paper, dry and wet. Maybe a bit of image enhancement will reap results.


Hope it helps, and if you manage to decipher it I would be most interested in your findings :D

p.s. Great movie, would love a sequel...


Thats the side with the Hollywood letter/list. You can see it says "Dear" and I can roughly make out "Jude Law" being circled. However during the Imagineer Theme Night they say it was the other side of the paper to the Holly wood letter that had the 'big idea'.

It seems they purposefully never actually show you the other side of the paper of which they were alluding to.


Aghh, my bad. Darn them, then we will officially never know then :D


Heh yeah. Perhaps its for our own safety. If anyone ever found out the 'big idea' a person from the future might come back and shoot them with purple lasers.


Yeah, it's just the Hollywood letter. Having watched it on BBCHD and made a few screenshots, I believe the full text reads:

An Open Letter to Hollywood

Dear Hollywood


Please stop making so many crappy movies. Here are a few tips to help you out.

1. Story is King [picture of crown] Always has been, always will.

2. Computer Graphics are like Monosodium Glutamate. They should NOT be the whole meal!

3. Stop doing REMAKES. Always worse than the original. See: Planet of the Apes / Italian Job / The Time Machine / Alfie.

4. *** Jude Law. He's *** and you know it.

5. Force George Lucas to burn the original masters of the new trilogy. Get him to reinstate all original movies back to how they once were especially the scene where HAN SHOT FIRST.

6. Stop Steve Martin from ruining his career further. He was once FUNNY!

7. Let Joss Wheldon make more Firefly and / or Serenity! You know you want to. The man is a genius!


I really can't make out the missing words about Jude Law. Although that might be intentional...


I really can't make out the missing words about Jude Law. Although that might be intentional..

They might be intentionally unreadable as they were probably foul language.


Yeah, it says that on the front of the page, but as the movie states the important part, that we never see, is on the back.

My IMDB page


it was what was on the back of the hollywood letter

"sir, sir, i gotta check and see if you've soiled yourself, I'll get to you in a moment, sir!"


It said...

"Be sure to drink your Ovaltine"


