MovieChat Forums > Californication (2007) Discussion > The Finale may be the worst I've persona...

The Finale may be the worst I've personally ever seen.

To simply say the finale was melodramatic would be putting it very nicely. Am I the only one who feels that the characters were left without a feeling of some closure? I know it doesn't need to be in black in white but I feel like i just watched an episode out of order, and that there is another episode next week and probably the week after that. It doesn't feel like Hank is any different and that all the characters and story arches were left incredibly open. This whole season seemed lazy and the writing very lackadaisical.

The finale did not seem to be worth the seven year wait. I personally think it was one of the worst excuses for a series finale. This is coming from an individual who vested a lot of time and patience; as well as defending the show to countless others who were on the verge of giving up. Who else really disliked the finale? Anyone disagree and believe otherwise? Please, bring on the criticism. Me or the show. Thank you.


As bad as it was a s a finale...I felt it was left in a half full way to leave room for future episodes...

Also what else could have been done. Hank was going to end up with Karen. Hank was going to go to NYC to see Becca get married.
The whole show was about Hank messing up and then being redeemed by Karen.

The only thing that I could have liked to see maybe was Hank and Levon living together (if it was indeed true Levon was his son)

what Jordie?


I agree. Plus, after turning down every attempt to settle down, why would Karen accept Hank now simply because he read her a lame letter? Why would Becca's hastily scheduled upcoming nuptials loom so large now? We have very little information on the proposed groom. And many more transgressions. Ugh!


Sons of Anarchy and Dexter are a tie for the worst...


Just finished it tonight. I was happy because Hank and Karen ended up together. For some reason, I really liked them. I definitely agree with those who felt season 7 was phoned home overall. I still enjoyed it, but it was a noticeable drop in quality, IMO.

I think, like some others have mentioned, it should have been an hour finale or they should have started resolving some *beep* in the episode prior to the finale. It was rushed.

I also agree with the person who mentioned how the finale was fitting as the show was almost about...nothing? I mean yeah, there was a plot and it was entertaining, but I found myself thinking that it was strange that I liked the show and found it interesting because it really was kind of about nothing (in a way), haha.

I don't know that I would call it the worst. It wasn't good, but I also don't think it was bad. Maybe because the only thing I really wanted at the end of the show was for Hank and Karen to end up together. I can see those who said they thought Hank should die, but I was hoping he would finally grow at the end and become the man he had the potential to be. He stayed so stagnant throughout the show that it was nice to see at the end. Again, they kinda *beep* the bed on the delivery of showing he finally grew up and changed, but I think they needed more time.


Yeah, the series finale was complete shyte. It was even the worst out of any season finale.

S3 and S5 had really good endings. The series could've just ended after S5 with both of them dying.


Not true about it being the worst. In MHO Dexter had the most god awful finale.


I have to agree 100% with op, having just rewatched the entire series. Out of all the season finals, the season 7 one was the *beep*

Season 7 over all was bad, but look at season 5, it was *beep* too but with a great ending, but season 7 ended on an even worse not than it started on.


I don't think the ending episode was that bad.
But it was not good, and that's hard to debate with.
I agree that the Hank's letter at the end was not emotional, strong, or literally writed as the other stuff we saw as his work around the series.
Compare that with the letter he left to her when they are young.

My big problem with this series finale, it's everything about the last season.
I don't feel the type of comedy we get before.
Everything about this series looks just "Not californication" to me.
Levon character... I don't understand why he have to be portrayed like that.
I don't have any problems with him not being a womanizer, with him being kind of stupid, or being jealously with his mom...The character is not the problem, the problem is how it showed.
It's bad written and probably bad directed (because the acting doesn't help you to feel like Levon is a realistic dumb person, and I don't think it's actor fault here).

Everything about the studio where he goes to work was a joke.
Evreyone was so over the top, and Californication rarely go THAT over the top.
The director character was believable at least. The acceptable one.
Maybe this time I got frustrated because was dorlkly over the top.

The "other family", the "working to write a tv show"...
The ideas were not that bad.
The way they build them was really crap.
Superficial, not funny, bad written...

There's ONE good episode in this series.
The episode where Karen is in the hospital and Hank goes there and we could see memories about Hank x Karen.
This was the pure gold in the mountain of crap.
The last episode was not horrible, it was okay.
But if everything about this season was left in the episode prior to the season finale, I think we would receive something really as good as the series deserves.

PS:(Marcy and Charlie were destroyed after season IV...
They were the comedy relief of the series and I really disliked they build him as a completely loser at the end...This season keeps it this way.)

Californication still one of my favorite series of all time, but the last season is painfully to watch and I think I will not watch it again, never.

