The Finale may be the worst I've personally ever seen.
To simply say the finale was melodramatic would be putting it very nicely. Am I the only one who feels that the characters were left without a feeling of some closure? I know it doesn't need to be in black in white but I feel like i just watched an episode out of order, and that there is another episode next week and probably the week after that. It doesn't feel like Hank is any different and that all the characters and story arches were left incredibly open. This whole season seemed lazy and the writing very lackadaisical.
The finale did not seem to be worth the seven year wait. I personally think it was one of the worst excuses for a series finale. This is coming from an individual who vested a lot of time and patience; as well as defending the show to countless others who were on the verge of giving up. Who else really disliked the finale? Anyone disagree and believe otherwise? Please, bring on the criticism. Me or the show. Thank you.