Season 5 Episodes8/9

Why would Hank be using Walt and Sklylers bathroom for a dump ? The main bathroom was in the hall. If he had manners he wouldn't have found the book.


I'm wondering why he would be taking a dump in someone else's house to begin with? I refuse to, it makes me really uncomfortable. Like literally when I'm visiting family I go to the gas station down the road.


He probably felt comfortable enough to do because they were family, he probably had a few shots or drinks and needed to take a dump.. What was he supposed to do?? Hold it in??


Dude, if youre at close family's place, it actually seems more weird to be that uncomfortable about it to have to leave. Who cares?


It’s just how I am, I don’t like to use other peoples bathrooms.


But a gas station's bathroom is everyone's bathroom.


Yeah I don’t mind using “everyone’s public bathroom” using someone’s private bathroom makes me uncomfortable.


It's understandable.


But the "Everyone's Bathroom" has a 1000 asses sitting on the toilet seat, many of which are not clean unlike what you'd get in a bathroom at a family members home??


I just put toilet paper down on the seat.


the only place i will drop a deuce is in my personal dwelling... not even at work *gag*


Why would someone use the bathroom in their immediate family’s house? Are you fucking stupid or just a piece of garbage troll?


Again I know this isn’t normal but it’s just how I am.


Is another bathroom in the home ever established? It would be weird if there wasn't one but I don't recall actually seeing one.

In either case, Hank doesn't give a shit about manners. He's ASAC Schrader, taking a dump in the master bathroom is a power move. Probably takes a laxative every time he comes over just so he can stink it up.


Yes there are 2 bathrooms. Hank had to pass the one off the hall to go into Walts bedroom for the 2nd bathroom.


Just out of curiosity, do you know when the other bathroom was shown?


I believe when Skyler is soaking in the tub when Tucco kidnaps Walt and Jesse.


In the White home only one bathroom is shown throughout the series. There should be a second bathroom but there isn't.

If there were a second bathroom why did Walt pee in the sink?


He did it out of spite. And Walt Jr used the other bathroom off the hallway.


Except there is no bathroom off the hallway.


Reddit shows the floor plan for Walter's house. There are 2 bathrooms.


Reddit! The definitive source for all things Breaking Bad.

No second bathroom is ever seen.

There are various floor plans for the White residence.

One of them does include another bathroom. This does not mean it exists within the the house as depicted on the show.

Provide a link for the plan to which you refer.


A good question. Even a better one: Why would Walt leave incriminating evidence around when he has a brother-in-law that works for law enforcement coming around frequently?


Him signing his name in that book didn't seem like that big a deal to where he felt the need to hide it because he had no idea how far along Hank was in this investigation of Heisenberg


"Him signing his name in that book didn't seem like that big a deal to where he felt the need to hide it because he had no idea how far along Hank was in this investigation of Heisenberg"

Walt knew that Hank pinned the blue meth on Gale and he got him off the hook with his drunken gaff. That alone should have made Walt nervous. Gale was associated with Gus, any connection with Gale to Walt would not be a good thing.

Hence Walt's panic shortly after he discovered the book missing.
