Sheldon makes no sense
"Sheldor, Level 85 Blood Elf, hero of Eastern Kingdoms"
.. err, does anyone else see the fault in that?
Eastern Kingdoms is the ALLIANCE island. It's the default Alliance world. Horde side is called 'Kalimdor'.
Alliance has no BLOOD ELVEN! Alliance only has NIGHT ELVEN.
Bloof Elf = HORDE
Night Elf = ALLIANCE
Eastern Kingdoms = ALLIANCE
Kalimdor = HORDE
You can't be both Blood Elf AND 'hero of Eastern Kingdoms', how the heck did Sheldon, supposedly super INTELLIGENT man, not realize this?! Why would he say that? WHAT WoWplayer could _EVER_ make that mistake?!
That's like mistaking a bicycle with Lamborghini and not noticing your error. What the heck?! How can this be explained? This makes no sense!