Dubbed or Subbed?

I want to watch this but i'm not sure which I should go with.


I like subs so much better than dubbing. It's not as bad with anime but with live action films I especially hate dubbing.


This is a fantastic dub. Especially Light, L, and Ryuk.


Usually I watch anime subbed. Is it possible, that DN has a terrible sub translation?


When the Shinigami eats the apple.

Dub: "Hmm, Apples are always worth the trip to the human world." (or something)
Sub: "Hmm, Apples are awesome!" (meh)

I don't know but it seems the Dub-Translation is more classy and sometimes easier to comprehend.

What frustrates me as well is that DN translates spoken and written words simultaneously and I find it hard to follow.

The voice acting seems to be solid. I have watched 5 episodes so far.


Subtitles are a bit of a funny thing. Speaking from experience, I might watch something on one platform, say, Netflix, then watch the same thing on Crunchyroll, and the translations may vary. Likewise, if I watch the same thing on DVD/Blu-Ray, it may be completely different from what I've seen elsewhere.

For example, one time I watched a French film on a local on-demand television station, and the subtitles were atrocious. Words were misspelled left and right, or in some cases, simply didn't make sense (I know enough French to know some of it was just wrong). My friend happened to have a DVD, so I borrowed it, and everything was much better.

'Save me, Barry!'



I watch with Japanese Audio... voice acting. and Subtitles. thats the best for me and many who can speak english greatly and want nice orig voices


I don't condone the use of a dub upon watching any film that takes place in a foreign culture. How can you get immersed in the Japanese lifestyle of the show if you're not hearing the Japanese words?

Besides, it's a lot easier to tell how bad a dub is in your own language. They are typically pretty bad.


I agree with subbed.
But go for the "official" subbed version.
I love the work of some awesome fan-subbers (and they do it for free!), I was a contributor of an awesome, now extinct, fan-sub group once, but some fan-subbers works with Google Translator... horrible wrong translations and they don't pay attention to the timming.
Official is the best way always, but if you have a recent japanese release and you are able to watch it in your computer and upload external subs, go for those fan-subs with a good reputation.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language IMDb = Catch-22


Dubbed, it's annoying having to look down and read text while missing out on much of the beautiful cinematography the Director intended the audience to soak in while listening (not reading) the characters' dialogue.

Further, many times the dubbed English script is A LOT better than what's translated in subtitles. Unfortunately most of the time they don't match. Generally I find the dubbed script captures a lot more of the localized colloquialisms that are lost when they have subtitles. Subtitles = Google Translate, dubbed tracks capture more authenticate conversation.

SIDE NOTE: To me it's bizarre they don't use the script the "dubbers" use when providing subtitles.
