you are taking this completely wrong . She knows what she is doing is wrong , not just because he is her student but she is married . But she was hurt and weak , he was *beep* hot and not that much younger than her and she felt the romance of an easy relationship .
She went too far . If the movie was about a teacher and a student ( which has been done to death BTW) then yes , Purdie would have been caught and arrested and lost her livelihood , but it wasn't about that . It was about women that make choices . Purdie was so vulnerable , she loved her husband but felt completely misunderstood by him , she loved her mother while hating her , she wanted a life that was normal ( hence her clothes ) but to a large degree she was playing normal .
I think the person that started this thread failed to notice that this was not an attack on teachers. This is about a sad weak nerdy woman/girl that is trying to figure out who and what she is while her life is falling apart around her . She was about to throw the rest away , toss her career and her clutch at normality in the trash and become what she felt she was.
Honestly I hate when people take something and make it personal . EVERYTHING IS NOT ABOUT YOU !! Unless you are a first year teacher that is being pursued by a gorgeous( and legal making it harder to resist) student while you feel your husband is slipping away I'm pretty sure its not about a personal attack .