Do many parents still
let their kids trick or treat? I think the past couple of years, I didn't get a single knock. I know if I were a parent, no way would I let my kids do this given the complete idiots out there in today's world.
sharelet their kids trick or treat? I think the past couple of years, I didn't get a single knock. I know if I were a parent, no way would I let my kids do this given the complete idiots out there in today's world.
Lived in a small town for 16 years and they did trick or treating every year and they still do.
Moved away to the big city and my housing development did have a trick or treat night, but less than 50 kids showed up at my door, had hundreds back in my home town and even ran out of candy once.
I think in small town America trick or treat is still a big deal, but in bigger cities its going to the mall and church sponsored events.
I loved handing out candy for trick or treat and I really miss not doing it anymore, moved out into the country a couple years ago.
Some people get way too paranoid every year regarding T&T candy. There's only been one verified report of a kid dying from poisoned candy, and the perpetrator was the child's own father.
Maybe that bloody dagger will lead us to the murder weapon.share
Halloween isn't as widely celebrated in the UK as it is in the US. I sometimes see a few kids and young teens out trick-or-treating with their parents or friends in the evening but that's about it. A lot of people would probably tell you to bugger off if you knocked on their door and asked for sweets or chocolate. I would love it if more of them made an effort and put pumpkins outside and decorations up. I love this time of the year - the colours, the leaves on the ground, the mood, the smell of bonfires, and the chill in the air. You Yanks are lucky. I don't have many Halloween memories from when I was a kid.
You keep on reminding me of a darkness only I can see
They still do in my area, Western Pennsylvania, however they aren't left unsupervised. Typically parents escort their children, along with numerous police officers and fire department volunteers that patrol the streets.
It depends on where you live, but also the type of people who live there. I'm in my thirties, I grew up in a very small, white, conservative, Christian, Midwest town where nothing bad ever happened, yet the town had a three-hour trick or treat window that was always on Sunday afternoon.