i thought potfest was comin up next?
i mean at the end of beerfest it said coming soon potfest. why are they doing supertroopers 2 first? anyone know the details on potfest?
sharei mean at the end of beerfest it said coming soon potfest. why are they doing supertroopers 2 first? anyone know the details on potfest?
shareThere's one born evey minute ain't there?
share*beep* you guys....beer fest was one of the funniest movies made. And you guys say no one would go see a movie about people getting high? What the hell do you think Super Troopers was about? That wasn't Oregano in those bags in that movie.....and your mom is hot, tell her her bjs suck
shareto the grindhouse reference, one of them is being made into a movie starring Danny trejo.
shareSome people are in on the joke, and some people are the butt of the joke without realizing it.
This fog is getting thicker!
And Leon's getting laaaaarrrrrger!
First of all... "smoken" is not even close to being a word. Second it was a joke. Get over it... Super Troopers was the best movie they've ever made! I've been waiting for a sequel since I walked out of the theater after the first one. I'm not saying I wouldn't watch a potfest movie by Broken Lizard, I just think I'd rather see another Super Troopers movie.
shareits been posted elsewhere but here take a look
i hope they make it. it would be ill.
share"i thought potfest was comin up next?"
That's because you are a complete *beep* moron.
You Potfest naysayers have to be the most ignorant people I have ever seen. So much so in fact I had to subscribe to these forums just to tell you all to get bent.
Lets review some facts before I begin:
A) None of you are a member of Broken Lizard, thus I highly doubt any of you can truely say that Pot Fest isnt comming out.
B) "Nobody wants to watch people smoke pot and do nothing" is the general cencus amongst you naysayers. So Im presumming none of you have watched Dazed & Confused, Cheech & Chong, Harold & Kumar, etc etc movies. Movies that anyone who likes beerfest loves. So stfu. That comment is void.
C) You say the potfest moment was a joke. Ok maybe its just me and absolutely EVERYONE I KNOW, but none of us found that funny. Joke my ass, the context most people took it in was that Potfest is comming out.
D) Get bent or get me some proof, until then shove it. Facts count, opinions dont.
It's funny cuz A thru D are opinions.
I don't care if they made the movie or not.
Here are my opinions
A) How do you know no one here is from BL?
B) I like Harold and Kumar and hate C&C, D&C, and I'm whatevers about BF
C) BTW, not all of the BL jokes intended to be funny are funny
D) Opinions count more than facts.
Here are my facts
You're a panty waste...
A) Learn to type full words
B) Opinions mean something and the opinion they got shows that they have a chance on good box office
C) People have shown facts that say it they are putting good thought into it, can you show one that states the opposite
D) WTF is a PANTIE waste
Also on another note for those of you who think that potheads just sit on their couch eating junk food and *beep* well your mistaken, it would really really really really surprise you how many people smoke pot, a lot more then the 16-25 year old range, and hell pot's something I do after I get done with the stuff I have planned for the day (demo for work, college, ect) so how do you think that all potheads sit on couches, also there are weed smoking games, baseball for one where you take a hit of the pipe and pass it round and you gotta keep the hit you take in until you get it back, not gonna mention more as i'd be long winded and I don't want that. Also for the dude who says drugs are bad alcohol isn't well hate to burst your bubble but if you pick up a dictionary you would find a defention under drugs that says any substance that alters the mind or the body's regular functions. Last time I checked beer did that.
It was a joke inserted at the end of the film so the film had an "open-ended" feeling, but it has been said from several members of Broken Lizard that, due to fan response, there is a (small) possibility it may be made into an animated feature in the future. Maybe a bigger response will move the movie from animated to live-action, but either way, I think it will be hard to pull off.
shareok heres how it goes down the guys are in the prosses of writing a script because of people asking so much about it warner brothers is not going to stand idley by when they could be makeing a *beep* load of money on a definate odds are the movie will be in production when the guys get back from the st2 tour.
sharePotfest will never be made, bottom line. I doubt that any main stream distibutor would pick that up. I would mos def watch it and love it but the up-tight establishment would kick it to the curb. Bring back cheech and chong.
sharelol, potfest was a joke. Everyone knew that wasnt real despite how much we all want it. (specially us stoners out there)
shareoh my god people, why would anyone want potfest? And Willy Nelson? That was such a lame tacked on ending, and what was with the masturbation joke he told? God I hated that ending. Now I just turn it off before that part comes on. I love everything else about beerfest. "Ze f* ck is zat?"
shareI actually thought that the masturbation joke was pretty funny lol, but come on people drugs kills your brain cell kids. Hopefully someday when you all grow up you won't be to far gone to relize that. Potfest was a joke, There is no studio out there that would ever put up the money to produce it.
shareAnd maybe someday people that talk down to stoners will actually have proper grammar.
No studio would put up the money? How about Universal? (who made Half Baked and How High) Miramax/Weistein? (Who have given Kevin Smith a career based upon stoner jokes) Or New Line? (Who made Harold and Kumar, and are now making a second movie!) And there's always Paramount, who funded most of the Cheech and Chong movies.
So yeah, you may think stoner humor doesn't translate to box office dollars, and that there is some Hollywood Rule that says you can't make a movie about smoking pot, but there isn't. I'm sorry you're so misinformed.
says the person who is replying to a post about BEERFEST, in case you haven't made the connection because, well boy howdy you just can't think right anymore, but BEER KILLS BRAIN CELLS, again because of the alzheimer's acting up on you. BEER KILLS BRAIN CELLS. On another note you have no clue on how movies are made do you. It's simple business DEMAND FOR A MOVIE WHICH THIS HAS SHOWN = MOVIE BEING MORE THEN LIKELY BEING MADE. I'm not saying its a lock but there is a damn good possiblety of us basking in the reflected glory of this amazing movie. It's not like they are thinking ohhh we have gotten hundreds of thousands of responaces about this movie so yea even though at nine dollers a pop for a movie ticket it would make us millinos PASS. frigging simpleton
shareEveryone is getting way to angry over a comedy that may or may not be coming out. Who cares if you dont want to watch it. No one going to make you, so just go on about your business if it ever comes out.
Now I do realize that this is the internet and people bitch about every little thing that ever existed and im not saying that you shouldnt say anything, but calm down honey, its just a movie. Its nothing to attack someone on. People are going to say whatever they want and theres nothing anyone can about it, unless you find out where they live and break into their house and steal their computer which, I am pretty confident in saying that, non of you are going to do.
Perfect idea for Potfest!
The boys find the secret german growing instructions for super high grade skunk weed in the ass of Popo the doll! They can't help but try it and it's the greatest weed they've ever had. Then the boys will take the crop over to Amsterdam for the annual potfest... :)
well hey jackka$$es, i don't know if it's true but something i read of theirs hinted at an animated one. they never confirmed it tho it might not happen.
shareIf Potfest was actually made into a movie, it would be too much like Beerfest, ONLY stoners would go see it, it wouldn't do well in theaters, and blah blah blah.
Basically, it was a JOKE. It made for a good ending to the movie.
The guys have more brains than to waste their time on something they KNOW won't go over well.
potfest would just be a remake of beerfest but instead of them getting wasted, they would be getting high for a year. it just really would be one of those "dreaded" sequels which are made to try to make money off the name of the original.
and kevin smith didn't make his career through pot jokes; he wrote successful films. true, he does write many pot jokes, but they are not the sole basis for his films.
You couldn't really have a pot smoking competition because once they all got high they would just want to sit on the couch and play video games and eat Cheetos.
Bert, you're shouting again Bert.