Wow, this hasn't aged well
Ok this might be just me and my DC/Snyder-loving-fanboy-ass talking right here, but after re-visiting this movie I just noticed that The Avengers looks a lot like TV-movie. Bland, boring, nothing visually interesting. Ok you get few cool shots here and there but every other time it just looks very boring, and its not just The Avengers its basically every Phase 1 MCU movie. First avenger has horrible and very noticeable green screen, Thor has every scene shot in this weird tilted angel and The Avengers looks like boring made-for-tv-movie. I'm not talking about the stories which if we are honest are repetitive in the phase 1, but are ok. So sorry if this sounds like I'm hating the MCU and being just biased DC-fanboy, but to be honest the newer movies like Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man are actually good movies. But so you could hate me even more I would say that I think Iron Man 3 is the best Iron Man movies out of those three :)