Episode reviews

I've got one up both for the pilot:


and for the series premiere:


Those of you who've read my DVCH reviews already know what to expect: lots of spoilers, the odd bit of blue language (some of it from the show itself) and brutal honesty.



Those of you who've read my DVCH reviews already know what to expect: lots of spoilers, the odd bit of blue language (some of it from the show itself) and brutal honesty.

Yup. Good stuff! :-)





My husband was away in Denmark when CBC rebroadcast the movie, and I just plain overlooked it, so we both had forgotten a lot. As we watched the series premiere Tuesday night, we were scratching our heads over more than a few plot/character details. I printed out your review/synopsis, and that filled in a lot of blanks. So thank you!


The second episode review is up:


With the usual caveats.



I saw the show last night for the first time and I liked it very much. It was smart, edgy, and crisp. "DaVinci's Inquest" was a good show but it was very demanding on the viewer and it was a hard show to enjoy because it was so unattractive and it didn't conform to the typical series format. "Intelligence" is complex, and will probably be confusing to some, but I don't think it's confused.

What I liked about "DaVinci's Inquest" is that it showed the complexity of how a big city runs - and all of the characters and politics that are involved. With "Intelligence," we see the underbelly of Vancouver in terms of the biker gangs and drug dealers and white collar criminals.

I'm going to keep watching, and unlike with "DaVinci's Inquest," I won't have to force myself. I'm looking forward to the next episodes.


Love your comments about Michael and Francine. Hurricane Francine, indeed!

I always thought Camille Sullivan was a little wasted in her "Inquest" role as Suki. I didn't mind the subtlety, but then she just sort of dropped off the radar, except as Mick's girlfriend. Interesting how different her relationship is with Ian Tracey's character here. Now this really gives her a chance to show off her acting chops.

I'm pretty certain that Sullivan is taller than Tracey, eh? So that scene with him carrying her over his shoulder at the end must've been a fun one to choreograph.


Maybe an inch or two. As I recall from DVI, she was a little taller than he was and towered over Venus Terzo. But I suspect the effect we saw the other night was the product of four-inch heels.

As for choreographing, it was actually probably easier being shorter, especially centered as he is. You ever watch or do martial arts? Check out how he ducks down low before he lifts her up to get his shoulder under her center of gravity. Ironically, a big accomplishment of martial arts is to show tall men how to be short, since the lower your center of gravity is, the more control you have over it.



I've never taken martial arts, but I have taken ballet, and of course much of that is based on similar concepts of balance. And male ballet dancers who do lifts aren't always tall, so they have to make those same adjustments when lifting a dance partner. That's why I used the term, "choreograph," because to me that's what a lot of this stuff (fight scenes, etc.) are. The timing, intervals, movements, etc. are much like those of dance choreography.


It's up now:




Another great review . . . and what a magnificent episode. This show just keeps getting better and better!

By the way, yes, it was "Ode to Joy" that Stella was playing on the piano at the end. Eerily poignant, given the vicious exchange that had just taken place between her parents. (Not Jimmy's fault, of course. That was all Francine's doing.)

I never thought of Francine as being jealous of her daughter, but now that you mention it, I see it. I guess I thought of Stella as being Francine's one last hold on Jimmy, and the reason she's falling apart is because she's losing control over Stella. But Jimmy needs to be careful, because Francine knows where a lot of the bodies are buried (metaphorically, I would assume). She could do a lot of damage to Jimmy. He's really in a bind with her and trying to get custody of Stella. He's obviously the superior parent, but given his career path, it's doubtful that would come across on paper. But as you note, it's getting more and more dangerous for Stella to stay with Francine, so he's going to have to do something. Legally, I don't know what his options are unless Francine has to be committed. Which may not be too far off!


I hadn't really thought of her being jealous before this week, either. But after this week, I started thinking about fairy tales like Cinderella and Snow White, where the fading mother figure decides to bump off her younger "rival". The versions we got had it watered down to stepmoms and daughters. But A&E has helpfully supplied us with real-life mother-daughter versions, too. Stella is in a huge amount of danger.

I also don't think it was quite so clear until this week why Jimmy is a genuinely good parent--it's because he's protective and has his daughter's best interests more at heart than his own. He even doesn't want to deprive her of his mother. But Francine is forcing him to choose between her welfare and Stella's welfare and we already know who will win out. And since the story revolves around Jimmy's character, we already kinda know who will still be standing when the dust clears.



Yeah, I agree Jimmy's facing the rock and hard place decision here. He knows that completely removing Francine from Stella's life isn't good for his daughter, and I think he cares enough about Hurricane Francine that he knows it isn't good for her either. But he has to navigate very carefully, as a really involved divorce case would come out with all the details of his business. I think Francine doesn't want that 'cos she's afraid if it gets known she was a heroin addict she'd lose custody - CAS likely would step in.

Was the hit related to Mike in some way?


Was the hit related to Mike in some way?

An very interesting question that I don't think has yet been answered.



i was wondering if either he was the target or if he had set it up. then the vietnamese angle came in and it seemed unlikely.


...is up:




snowy, i can't take the yellow on black. the entire world looks like it's got blinds on when i look away.


LOL! Okay.

Try viewing the page as "source". It's usually under the View pulldown menu. That shows the page as html. I write my own html code (i.e. I go for the simple end of the scale), so you should be able to read the text easily without a lot of code in the way.

The View menu also has options for "Bigger" and "Smaller" text.



will do. thanks for the reviews too. handy.





Another great review! OK, so Mike reported a smaller amount stolen than what he checked out. I wondered if that's why he wouldn't sign for it when he picked up the money, but I didn't catch the differing amounts. Now I know. So he's really sucking up to Jimmy, and unfortunately Jimmy seems to have a blind spot for his brother's antics.

And Francine: jealous enough of her daughter to send her away to school, but using the excuse of "danger" to appeal to Jimmy's fatherly senses. Quite a piece of work, she is.


Tonight! I'm excited! And hopelessly bored at work with tons of dumb things to do.


If you're back east, you'll get to see it in about twenty minutes. The rest of us have to wait three more hours .



Ha! I can post spoilers here all I want then and really mess you guys up! So tonight, Mike...oh wait. It's midnight. You're all watching the show and not messing about on a msgbd.

I'm going to bed. The centre of the universe starts its workday in 8hrs.


...is up:




wonderful review as always...pity i cn't see the programme.. :(
