I have just re-watched the entire true blood series for the first time and it got me thinking what fans feel were missed opportunities? I feel two possible missed opportunities were Warlow and the fellowship of the sun. Warlow should have been more evil, more inpatient and more obsessed with making Sookie his and lets not forget he was the strongest vamp ever shown in the series while the fellowship could have been an entire season, scared and angry humans hunting down vamps covering themselves in silver firing wooden bullets and hunting vamps in sunlight dragging them to the sunlight and even killing themselves for the cause but the fellowships impact was minor.. Any thoughts would be great to read.
Everything after 6.03 was an opportunity that Buckner and his pal Moyer deliberately passed on.
It was a golden opportunity to make sense of all of the senseless plots, explain baffling character actions, answer unanswered questions, and clear up confusion about certain in-world conflicts of canon. All of this could have been done with a few strategic and revealing flashbacks [that DID NOT center around remaking Bill into a Byronic Hero] but making sense of things and answering questions and setting things to rights would have meant turning status quo of Bill the Hero on it's head and Moyer wasn't about to sit still for that. He'd invested too much time and put forth too much effort being the romantic 'lead' and he wasn't about to give that up or to allow his rabidly obsessed fans to be exposed as foolish women who prostrate themselves before serial killers. [the very thing Sookie ended up as.]
Sarah was a scapegoat. She ended up taking the blame, unfairly, for a great many things that were actually the fault/plots of vampires, one vampire in particular. Even if she did try to kill off the vampires, who the heck cares and why were so many viewers up in arms? It would be like protesting the rounding up of Nazis and prosecuting them for crimes against humanity.
I suspect the rather predictable but sad reality of internalized and uninterrogated misogyny is behind the scapegoating of Sarah Newlin in order to distract from the crimes of Compton and others.
It's so much more convenient to blame a woman for the actions of the male villain/s than to hold any man accountable. Those uppity b****es do need to know their places after all.
This was also reflected in many of the virulent comments posted on the TB board during and after season 7. I doubt many of these clueless individuals were aware of just how disproportionate was the level of their vitriol simply because the designated 'villain' was a woman.
Moyer by then was also so full of his own delusions regarding his character (I heartily concur with your other post above) that I doubt he would have allowed for the truth of his character to finally be revealed to the viewing audience.
Buckner's pre-season 7 comments also exposed either his own internalized misogyny or were a brazen expression of his innate contempt for women, particularly for the character played by his leading lady.
He obviously thought nothing of choosing a storyline which would force a 'romantic' reunion between Sookie and her longterm abuser Compton and then had the gall to dismiss any possibility of a credible reaction by Sookie to this abuse with the remark that Sookie would 'need to get over her resentments' toward Compton.
That projectile vomit icon which IMDB lacks would be quite handy right about now. Or any other to express withering contempt.
I suspect the rather predictable but sad reality of internalized and uninterrogated misogyny is behind the scapegoating of Sarah Newlin in order to distract from the crimes of Compton and others.
Dang right. They knew the story would be more interesting with a central plot that tied everything together. The problem was there was too much pointing at Compton as the ultimate Big Bad while the only stuff pointing at Sarah was cobbled together in the last minutes of season 6 by two hacks who were seething with hate and jealousy of AS's talent, looks, and popularity. This is why Alex's character ended up as sellout and a human trafficker/pimp at the last minute instead of pinning it on the character who actually did those things throughout the series. It was a monumental cheat and a massive trashing of all of AB's work for the sake of a couple of fragile egos. The entire endeavor was an epic disaster because nothing would do them but to derail the Ball's original intent. They knew blaming it ALL on Eric simply wouldn't work so Sarah was brought in as a literal whipping boy to take Bill's punishment. Instead of the audience feeling a sense of justice being served, all we felt was empty and used for money, just like poor Sarah.
I've posted many times the article where Moyer admitted being in on the editing process for Eric's nude final scene of season 6. He literally ADMITTED to manipulating Eric's, ahem, manparts.
"The True Blood fans were not expecting to see Alexander Skarsgård’s full frontal exposure when Eric went up in flames during last month’s season finale.
“It was never intended that way,” Stephen Moyer told me yesterday at the BAFTA LA Tea at the SLS Hotel. “It was never written to have him full frontal. Alex doesn’t like wearing his ‘sock’ or the ‘sack of destiny’ as we call it.‘”
His sack of what?
“It’s the sack of destiny that covers everything,” Moyer laughed. “He doesn’t like wearing those so he had one in his room that day [but] he was the one who chose not to wear it.”
Moyer says the crew had unsuccessfully tried some “camera trickery” to hide the goods. And Stephen added that he has no plans to follow in Skarsgård’s full frontal footsteps. “I’ll save that from the crew,” he cracked.
Excuse me, but how was a nude sunbathing scene NOT supposed to 'show the goods'?
Excuse me, but why were you, Moyer, privy to what was or was not 'supposed to be' in that scene? And why would he wear a sock of destiny when 1. He had no scene partner and 2. If it wasn't supposed to be nude then why not just put him in a speedo?
I hate to belabor this point but it is a mere inkling of the KIND of interference Moyer was allowed to run after AB left when he was NOT a producer and had no right whatsoever to interject himself into the editing process, a process that quite clearly manifested in a minimization of Alex's, err, assets.
SM always struck me as something of an opportunist since ingratiating himself with his leading lady worked out quite well for him and enabled him to cement his position and influence on TB.
I recall thinking it to be quite endearing when I first heard that AP had met her spouse on the show.
After viewing the series and perceiving the character and relationship dynamics my original impression was replaced by 'incredibly convenient for him'.
Those comments re the 'sock' and that particular scene were SM's self important way of reminding all that he was 'in the know' about such things.
I doubt it was ever much of a secret since AS has been quite open about being fine with nudity if required unless the sock is worn to make a co-star more comfortable.
Despite SM's best attempts to be the star of the show it must have stuck in his craw that AS consistently overshadowed him in every way.
TB without AS was canceled. SM's new show canceled. Karma, how does it work?
Unless that 'first look' production deal with HBO bears any fruit it will be a long time or more likely never before SM is the 'star' of anything but his own delusions.
Bottom line is SM tried to re-make his character into what many believed at first he was, a gentleman and a tragic hero. Once people clapped eyes on the Chicago scene depicting Bill's wanton depravity there was no way to do that with any credibility so that any and all retcon efforts afterwards fell flat--a retcon was never successfully achieved, at least insofar as how people felt about Bill. no matter how much furious white washing was done from the beginning of Buckner's rein* SM's character remained one of the most hated in the fandom as well as by reviewers and recappers. People just wanted him to die already [but well before the last minute it ended up being; people actually wanted a few episodes, if not an entire season, that were blessedly Bill-free] So basically every other character, including Sookie and Sara but especially Eric, had to be torn down and re-made as 'lesser than' so that Compton didn't look so horrific and corrupt by comparison.
*We also should never forget that Hudis had promised to portray a much less 'lovable' Bill--lovable being a characterization used by Buckner when describing him. Huffington Post even tacitly linked the ouster of Hudis to his intentions vis a vie the Bill character:
While Ball's departure was expected -- he chose to leave the series to develop "Banshee" for HBO's sister network, Cinemax -- Hudis' abrupt exit in the midst of Season 6 seems a little less planned. In January, Hudis gave an interview previewing Season 6, in which he told Haverford College magazine that the once heroic Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer) would go through some changes: "Certainly he’s not going to be the Bill we know and love. He’s going to have more bite, no pun intended.”
I agree with all of your points but it seems to me,then and now that Hudis's reference to the " Bill we all know and love" is highly misleading since by this point most of the viewers no longer loved Bill because they had gotten to know him all too well. How could Hudis seriously beIieve that there were many viewers left who even liked Bill let alone loved him after his cowardly power mongering behavior at the Authority? He betrayed and tortured Eric,slapped Jessica around,tried to kill Sam, was single handedly responsible for the loss of untold humans lives with the bombing of the True Blood factories, murdered his way into being The Chosen, metaphorically killed Sookie in his mind and called her an abomination and through his whole being behind the nihistic Lilith no matter who or what he had to sacrifice. This is the " Bill we all knew and loved" ?
Or was it S4 Bill ,the ex pimp/undercover spy who murdered Queen Sopie Ann with the AVL behind him to acquire power and become King of La.? The Bill who had promptly forgotten his so called love for his " miracle" and taken up with one of his descendants. The same Bill who once again tried to have Eric killed by condemning him to the AVL as tainted by witchcraft because he commanded Eric in spite of Eric's warnings about the witches practicing necromancy and being highly dangerous. He commands him to go because once again he is trying to rid himself of his competition .That same Bill who had been sent to procure Sookie,subjecting her to the Rat Ray Vamp attack early in S1 so he could feed her his blood and gain control of her emotions? All so he could procure her for Queen Sophie Ann,like the good little pimp he was.The same Bill who lied to Sookie time after time and endangered her life while claiming to protect her. The same Bill who tried to murder Eric and Pam while pretending it was all to protect Sookie from Eric instead of what it actually was,an attempt to do away with the only vampire who was honestly and devotedly trying to protect Sookie- mainly from him. It goes on and on but one thing for sure is that the " Bill we all know and loved" never ever existed and certainly by the end of S5 ,this was very obvious accept to delusional fans who refused to see.
Why then,when Bill's true nature was finally revealed at the end of S5 ,was Hudis still referring to him " as the Bill we all know and love"? And in so doing implying that he was in fact still lovable. It would be in S6, that we were see this different Bill with a bite. Really? Bill with a great big bite had already been shown ever more clearly during S5. Or was S6 intended to reveal Bill's true soul even further ,a soul so dark and full of so much death and destruction that he was to become evil incarnate as Billith and be the most monstrous Big Bad the show had ever had? This direction would be one that the supposed romantic lead couldn't tolerate and hence began the campaign to unseat Hudis and instate Buckner as the show runner. Hence began the great Whitewash of Bill and Defamation of Eric and every other character on the show, including Sookie. It was an impossible task and the show was ruined but Bill was never redeemed or ever again viewed as the romantic lead or suitable mate for Sookie. He had to die but even his death was botched and was anything but satisfying.
I was watching some YouTube interviews the other day and I saw a clip of the TB panel interview from Paleyfest in 2011 before the start of S4.
Moyer was sitting between Paquin and Skarsgard and he was simply as smug as can be particularly when the interviewer asked Alan Ball about his earlier references to Bill and Sookie as 'soul mates'.
(Note to anyone who just does not get it: When you refer to the abuser of a woman as her 'soul mate' you are someone who has neither respect nor empathy for women. Alan Ball is just another misogynist jerk.)
Ball replied, "Well they ARE in real life" and then to deflect from revealing any season secrets he babbled on about the obstacles involved if the characters were to be 'reunited' in the future.
Paquin and Moyer were (obviously) married by this time and again it occurred to me just how convenient this relationship was for Moyer and his position on TB.
The interviewer had earlier asked Skarsgard about Eric in S4 and at this point Moyer began pulling stupid faces for the camera and then stuck his decrepit mug into Skarsgard's shot simply to pull the attention back to him.
This is a personality that does not like to play second fiddle to anyone. Not Paquin and certainly not Skarsgard. He probably thought that what was good for him was good for the show. Clueless and deluded until the end.
I agree with all of your points but it seems to me,then and now that Hudis's reference to the " Bill we all know and love" is highly misleading since by this point most of the viewers no longer loved Bill because they had gotten to know him all too well.
Well, to be fair no single person connected to the show ever made less than complimentary remarks about the Bill character. The talking points were so uniform they had to be scripted. This is why I let Ball off the hook for his often infuriating commentary. When HUDIS said the 'Bill we all know and love' or some such, he was going along with the established conventional wisdom about Bill,* a view of the character which he then promised would be revised. I believe this promise got him fired from his position just as HuffPo insinuated.
*This was the point of Kitch Maynard's character. According to Jason, Kitch was a 'cheating, lying, low down emmeffer' or some such, to which Kitch replied "Tell it to the newspapers!", newspapers who loved reporting on Kitch's gridiron heroics and weren't about to listen to 'facts' that would disrupt the flow of their lucrative 'narrative'. In other words, part of the point of Bill's character was that powerful people who are evil can and will influence their own PR to make themselves out to be something they are not. With Bill, this was happening OFF script, ie in the coverage of TB itself, as well as on.
As for Bill's numerous dirty deeds, yes we did see them with our own eyes but the propaganda remained resolute from within the production itself. Does this mean they all thought Bill's behavior was no big deal? I doubt it, but nobody from the inside nor mainstream reviewer/recappers ever contradicted the conventional wisdom about Bill and called him what he was, an evil monster. Many were all about his 'shades of grey' but what about his VICTIMS? The conformist view of his character and the refusal to contradict received opinions about him as opposed to thinking for themselves is as interesting and disturbing as anything the script ever offered.
As for Bucky and Moyer's collusion in preventing the true nature of Moyer's character to be unveiled, explicitly acknowledged as evil and despicable within the script, and to subject the character to some form of justice, is by now beyond dispute. Moyer publicly closely identified himself with the character he thought was a hero, so much so that his ego simply would not allow for Bill's downfall. To Moyer's way of thinking Bill's exposure and subsequent punishment would be a personally humiliating outcome. Therefore, in my opinion only, when he perceived the direction season 5 was taking [a storyline that was intended to end with season 6] I believe he became instrumental in the ouster of Ball in some underhanded way. When Ball's replacement proved less than satisfactory in that he intended to continue Ball's vision of deconstructing the myth making of the Bill character, he went showrunner shopping for somebody who sympathized with his plight. In my opinion, he and Bucky jumped on every mistake Hudis made in his inexperience and made such a big deal out of it with HBO that he was eventually fired, but not before the first 3 episodes of season 6 proved to be markedly superior to the rest of the series. Six should have ended the series with Bill's final destruction but alas it was not to be.
Now we are all left with the impression that Ball and everybody else connected with the show condone Bill's acts of evil sadism. Because Moyer's ego was catered to instead of allowing the story to unfold as it should have with a justice-serving denouement, every single one of them look like amoral, irrational apologists and enablers of evil. [as well as racist and sexist] The show itself took Bill's side, and the actors/crew who praised Bill, no matter how scripted, were left dangling, so how else do they expect to be perceived!? Only Bill's downfall could have corrected this impression of the people behind the show. Skarsgard is the only one who comes out of this clean, for as much as he never explicitly condemned Bill's character he he always refused to jump on the Bill is great! bandwagon.
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Good post. Yes,you are correct about the PR machine for TB and the scripted responses for the cast. I had forgotten about those. There was the " Bill we all have come to love" and " Alcide " the were wolf with the heart of gold" and of course,tEric was "the self centered bad one". I thought at the time that these stereotypes were put in place as easy reference points for the cast to remember when talking about them as well as Ball's attempt to use misdirection so he could surprise us when he pulled the masks off of these characters and showed us who they really were at their core, Then,later as it became more and more clear that Bill was the" self centered bad one ", Alcide was just plain " self centered " with a smattering of bad and Eric was the "Eric we have all come to know and love"," we were to see these new roles play out to there logical outcome. This,as we all know ,never happened since the Big Reveal was trashed. Regardless,the record was never set straight and as you pointed out ,at time Hudis made his comment about the " Bill we all knew and loved" that designation was firmly in place as a talking point,so he automatically used it.
I felt like I had entered the Twighlight Zone when I saw the first episode in S6 that Buckner had helmed and later in the season a severe case of Whiplash after Eric burst into flames and the time jump took place towards the end of S6 . A season that was mostly about dropped story arcs,hanging out in faerie marking time while Buckner attempted to turn the Titanic, A failed love match between Sookie and Warlow, whitewashing Bill via Jessica's love and support of him,Bill dithering about and having snarky diologue with Sookie, and of course vamp camp nasties in which Sarah Newlin was set up as the next Big Bad instead of Bill
. After the time jump we see Sookie living with Alcide but making googley eyes at Bill who was on TV talking about his best selling memoir claiming to be telling the truth about everything vampire and most particularly his stint as as a God. Sookie was buying into all of it hook,line and sinker. Eric had disappeared and ,Pam had not been heard from since she took off after him. Not one character talked them or missed them. Everyone had moved on with their lives and shifted their attention to other people and other things. It was very very clear that something major was afoot behind the scenes of TB and that none of it was to the good.
A season that was mostly about dropped story arcs,hanging out in faerie marking time while Buckner attempted to turn the Titanic, A failed love match between Sookie and Warlow,
I firmly believe 'Warlow' was to have been instrumental in exposing Bill [as well as many other false perceptions] but you are right, he was sent to Fairy to mark time so that existing scripts and outlines involving him and thus the Big Reveal could be revised and 'updated' to reflect the direction of the new regime. This also had the result of artificially prolonging the series, which should have ended at 6.10.
. After the time jump we see Sookie living with Alcide but making googley eyes at Bill who was on TV talking about his best selling memoir claiming to be telling the truth about everything vampire and most particularly his stint as as a God. Sookie was buying into all of it hook,line and sinker.
The time jump was nothing more than a deux ex machina to explain the turnaround in Sookie's attitude towards Bill. Bill and Bucky knew, and they were right to some extent, that however Sookie viewed and felt about Bill the 'newspapers', ie the media coverage of TB, would follow. Moyer hated 'Billith' the evil monster so 'hand wave' Bill was no longer Billith. Bill even had dialogue to that effect, something like "I don't' want to be Billith anymore'. Bill's book and book tour was to signal to people like us that HIS version of the truth would prevail. If only I had listened....
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In January, Hudis gave an interview previewing Season 6, in which he told Haverford College magazine that the once heroic Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer) would go through some changes: "Certainly he’s not going to be the Bill we know and love. He’s going to have more bite, no pun intended.”
So many possibilities so thoroughly wasted.
I felt nauseated every time some reference would be made to Compton as 'heroic' or 'the Bill we love'. I would often question the intelligence of the people concerned and wonder if we were watching the same show. It was obvious to anyone who actually paid attention that Compton was always a nasty piece of work. And a nasty piece of work he remained until he became a nasty pile of vampire sludge. His best look ever.
I rewatched that Paleyfrst interview and listened carefully to what AB said when asked about Sookie and Bill getting back together. He avoids the " soul mate " reference by saying that Anna and Syephen are soul mates in real life but his very avoidance says to me that he no longer regards Sookie and Bill as soul mates,if indeed he ever really did to begin with. He then goes on to say that if Sookie and Bill would ever have a chance to get back together it wouldn't be for a very very long time like maybe if the show went on for another 17 seasons there might be a chance because that's how deeply Bill's betrayal of Sookie had gone. It was as definitive as anything Ball has ever said about the direction of any given character arc. Aldo Alex's body language toward Stephen ,seated to his direct left is deferential and almost apologetic. He keeps ducking his head and hunching his shoulders during this exchange and before and afterwards whenever the subject of Eric and Sookie are raised. Possibly it had occurred to him as well that Alan was getting ready to villainize Bill and put Eric into place at Sookie's side. He probably felt embarrassed that his character was taking over the show and pushing Stephen's character to the side. Perhaps a bit defensive as well regarding Eric's upcoming replacement of Bill in Sookie's heart. None of this should matter or would matter if all parties had remained professional with their main focus off of ego and personal relationships and on what was best for the show and its considerable fan base but I suspect that was not the case judging by how much the direction of the show changed and who was made the center of it,
In another interview after S5 aired,Ball was asked if Bill could ever come back from the choices he had made and his reply was that there were certain choices that a person could never come back from and this( Bill's decisions and actions in becoming Bilith) was one of them. When I add this comment to the one he made at Palyfest 2011 about Bill and Sookie ever getting back together ,it became clear that Ball never intended to whitewash Bill and reunite him with Sookie. It may very well be that the conflicts about Bill's ultimate character arc began at Paleyfest when Ball made it clear that the show would have to go on for another 17 years before Bill's transgressions against Sookie could ever be overlooked by her. Meanwhile,he had a perfectly good vampire suitor for her in Eric,who the fans loved more than Bill and who was a far more iconic and compelling a vampire than Bill would ever be. Also, Ball had just filmed S4 and the creation of that beautiful,tender and magical Sookie/ Eric first love scene with the follow up passionate lovemaking scenes that went on on all night. Let's not forget the shared V trip full of portent and the promise of " Anything is possible " and the later " we will be one" shared blood scene. There was indeed clear intention here,easy for anyone to read,particularly for Alex and Ana who had acted their way through them. There is no doubt in my mind that Stephen was aware of them as well ( rumors and implied statements are that Stephen was a frequent visitor on the sets of these scenes while they were being filmed ) and I can't imagine he and Ana not discussing their implications for Bill and Sookie. Also, by this point, at least 3 more novels had been written taking the book series through novel 9 and 10 i and it had become clear that Sookie loved Eric and Bill was out for good.
All we got was S5 and part of S6 to see this arc begin to take place. Then,Ball leaves toward the end of S5 amidst rumors of Ball yelling at someone on the other end of the phone,Hudis,the new show runner, is replaced 3-4 eps into filming S6 and the previous story and character arcs are just dropped like hot potatoes. Characters are changed, new story arcs are put in place and the effort to whitewash Bill and diminish Eric is on. Sookie becomes marginalized on her own show not to mention horrorfyingly dumbed down and TB becomes about Bill's Journey. He occupies the center of the show and is the only character connected to all the other story arcs and characters. At the end of S6 Eric goes up in flames and Skarsgard leaves the set early and is never again seen or heard promoting or discussing TB in an interview on TV or in an article. He doesn't attend Comic Con with the rest of the cast for S6 or 7. The fans have a meltdown on line after S6 airs and threaten to cancel their subscription to HBO if Eric stays dead. Buckner is forced to appearxand make statements assuring fans that Eric will be back and Skarsgard agrees to sign his S7 contract . During the S7 opening cast interview session the cast is divided into two different groups with Ana and Stephen with one group and Alex and Kristin in another when previously we had gotten the whole cast together in one room. The mood in both sees ions is awkward and tense. We see Alex,for the first time ever with an edge to his voice as he challenges Buckner about the ending of TB. He is openly sarcastic when he suggests a musical number as the end. At a later date, we find out Moyer wanted to make a musical out of TB.
Are we seriously to believe that all of this happened " just because of the whims of one man,Brian Buckner ,and that Moyer had no knowledge,no influence and no part in any of it? Really? We will never know just how much he influenced the turn the show took or what part he actively or passively played but it defies all reason and logic to believe that the show was turned into Bill first,Bill second and Bill last without his participation in some way.
Oh I agree with everything you have posted as I also got the impression that Ball was trying to deflect or backtrack from the whole 'soul mates' nonsense.
I was trying to focus more on my impressions of Moyer's smug self importance during that panel interview and in keeping my post reasonably short (not that I have any problem with anyone else choosing long posts).
Possibly it had occurred to him as well that Alan was getting ready to villainize Bill and put Eric into place at Sookie's side. He probably felt embarrassed that his character was taking over the show and pushing Stephen's character to the side. Perhaps a bit defensive as well regarding Eric's upcoming replacement of Bill in Sookie's heart.
Absolutely. His posture was that of someone who did not want to overshadow anyone else. Moyer's posture and actions on the other hand were self-aggrandizing in every way.
None of this should matter or would matter if all parties had remained professional with their main focus off of ego and personal relationships and on what was best for the show and its considerable fan base but I suspect that was not the case judging by how much the direction of the show changed and who was made the center of it,
Moyer might have made Compton an epic villain but it was easier to adopt the delusion of Compton the misunderstood romantic hero (who always gets the girl and the spotlight).
This way he need never risk being overshadowed by his taller, younger, more charismatic co-star who might steal what he perceived to be his limelight. Whoops! Too late.
Are we seriously to believe that all of this happened " just because of the whims of one man,Brian Buckner ,and that Moyer had no knowledge,no influence and no part in any of it? Really? We will never know just how much he influenced the turn the show took or what part he actively or passively played but it defies all reason and logic to believe that the show was turned into Bill first,Bill second and Bill last without his participation in some way.
Perception is 9/10ths of reality or some such thing. The perception of Paquin/Moyer as a real life 'love story' was obviously the talentless Buckner's 'inspiration' for the craptastic S7 and the forced 'reunion' of Sookie and her abuser. After all, 'bros before hos', amirite?
I see Moyer as another in a long line of ageing, insecure actors with minimal talent who managed to use the situation he manufactured/found himself in to his advantage. As the spouse of his leading lady he could obviously exert more influence (overt or otherwise) than any other co-star and I am sure he offered more than a few 'helpful suggestions' along the way. If the result was a greater prominence given to his role and his character then that must be down to simple coincidence.
As for the " first look deal" with HBO, the only production that deal got approved was Madame X that was to star Paquin. It seems to have dropped out of existence ,however, since it has disappeared from IMDB. The contract was for two years which will expire in Juky or Aug,without having born any fruit.
Well, yeah, I did finish the series. I was patient enough watching this show... Hell, I'll even admit that I enjoyed the season with Marnie/Antonia (at least, up until she came back to possess Lafayette and kill Jesus only to be dragged off to the afterlife by Gran's ghost). The idea of introducing the Vampire Authority was interesting enough, too, up until the Sanguinista thing - Lilith and the Vampire Bible. That's where it all went off the rails. Enter Super Saiyan Billith, the vampire concentration camps, and finally, vampire zombies, and all of the original magic was gone. They should have steered closer to the books.
Hopefully the new show based on "Midnight, Texas" is a good adaption.
Let's see.... some of the missed opportunities I am really sad about....
1) All Together Dead: The whole vampire convention where Eric saves Sookie from being tied to Andre (Andre is yet another missed opportunity). This was my favorite book in the series.
2) The Cataliades: I would have loved to see the demons! Desmond and Diantha! This would have been so much fun to see on the show.
3) The Were War: This was in the 8th book. I believe two Were packs fought and Sam turned in to a lion to protect Sookie. If I remember correctly a fairy was also there (The book Fairies which were soooo much better than the show fairies. No dancing around and sparkling, they were aggressive, fierce, and scary!). I think at one point during this scene Sookie mentions that she has nothing she can do except dance around like a demented elf trying to not get hurt lol.
So many have named such good missed opportunities I'll just add Tara in the last season dying OFF SCREEN for starters.. I remember reading back at the time the writers just couldn't think of anything for her.. I would have liked she just went with Eric and Pam and was part of their story line and being with them and Eric accepting her as another child of Godric
I think Hadley Hale was a missed opportunity. Lindsey Haun is a very underrated actress and singer and I feel the writers could have done so much more with her character but sadly didn't. 😞
It don't matter if it's raining Nothing can phase me I make my own sunshine And if you think you can break me Baby, you're crazy I make my own sunshine
-The werewolves… they were in season 3 a lot, but then they were kind of forgotten about. I thought maybe Nicole would become one since she was bitten. -Sam was awesome in season 5, shifting into flies and whatnot to spy and kick… butt. But then he knocked up Nicole and his life totally got turned around. I shoulda taken shots for every time he said “mah baby guhrl.” I mean, he lost his bar (which he said was his dream), stopped being mayor, and moved away from his entire life for Nicole. His character was an utter waste in season 7. -The Hotshot were-panther storyline was a total waste. Jason kind of “adopted” that community, took care of them, even gave up his beloved truck. I understand him not wanting to have anything to do with them after what happened to him, but he needed more closure with Crystal. -Willa’s character was wholly underused. I would have liked to have seen more from her. -What was the point of James’ character? He started out as a gentle vampire, nice guy, then they decided to make him gay and a cheater. -Tara’s entire storyline after being turned. She was hardly used. Not only that, for being such a main character early on, she died offscreen. I hated that! Plus, we get this really REALLY annoying extra storyline of crazy Lettie Mae chasing her spirit down. Episodes spent taking V and seeing her spirit. All for what? To make us empathize with Lettie Mae? What a joke! -Sookie ending up with a baby and some dude was such a cliché, and this show was all about non-clichés.