You'll have figured everything out yourself after aprox. 15 minutes.
This movie linked comsumerism to the vegetary state of being in a coma (double meaning of PVS). Wow!
The guy had a sympathectomy; he's a white, new-money (jumped the bandwagon at an early stage) liberal, who feels sympathetic about the world, but is ultimately cut off, because of fear to venture into it. He surrounds himself with 'stuff' and convinces himself that this offers some kind of fulfillment (conversation with brother - who has ventured in the world - during party). After the 'sympathectomy' he experiences his fears, the black man, the poor white trash, the lesbian daughter... his white liberal fears masked as understanding, tolerance, sympathy. Wow!
Everything this movie has to offer was obvious for everyone who has read a book/seen a movie or two - the falling in a dream and landing leading to death, who didn't see the ending coming??.
You may have liked it. There will be people who disliked it, because they aren't able to grasp everything this movie had to offer, but stop acting as if lack of appreciation necessarily stems from ignorance. It was an easy, obvious film that offers no interesting insight, but it wasn't the worst movie in the world.
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