MovieChat Forums > Conan the Barbarian (2011) Discussion > Did this kill the franchise?

Did this kill the franchise?

Anyone think this flick killed off the Conan franchise, least as far as movie are concerned? I thought Jason Momoa was perfect for the role, far more that Arnold ever was. But the plot was balls, the writing sucked, and they totally ignored the source material. Not to mention a villain as scary as my grandmother, and she's been dead for twenty years.

Will this give it another chance, or bury it for good? Any thoughts?

Forum Zackerium



Well, we are now getting a sequel to Conan the Barbarian so I guess not.



Why does everything have to be thought of in terms of a franchise? Howard wrote many Conan stories; five years from now someone could make a Conan movie that has nothing to do with this one.


Not if the powers that be are conviced the franchise is dead. That's why.


Arnold's refusing to return to the role basically killed the first Conan franchise. This movie was just a cash grab middle finger. But it failed, and Arnold wants to make another one because he's a has been and what better way for an actor to get attention than to make sequels.


Franchise? This was the first Conan movie since the 80s.

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Jason Momoa was horrible as Conan IMO. As an actor in general I think he is horrible. Arnold is Conan. Arnold is not that great of an actor either, but is much more believable than Jason Momoa.


A $70 million movie that makes only $50 million worldwide will do that for "the franchise" every time.
