Favorite character?

What was everyone's favorite character in the movie? Discuss.

It's not who you are underneath - it's what you do that defines you.


All of the inbreds were hilarious. These guys and the family from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre take the cake for the most hilarious realistic insane characters in a comedy that I've seen yet.



Gotta be Dale. Incredible badass; great performance by Rollins.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!




Dale and Nina, for *beep* sure.


Rollins was the most badass and it was a little shocking to see him die, but I think my favorite was Nina. I was glad to see she survived.


Definitely Dale. He was a real badass. Never heard of Henry Rollins before this movie, but he definitely seems like an interesting person in real life too.

Anyway, getting back to the movie, it was nice to see someone actually go one-on-one with the hillbillies without pissing their pants. And he really takes it to them. It was a pity he died. I would have really liked him to have survived, but I knew he wouldn't. It always has to be a couple




it's never Joan Van Ark- Marge Simpsons
