Your Favorite Bruce Banner?

Personally, I've always liked Bill Bixby's Bruce Banner. He's the most human of the bunch, and he's good at making audiences empathize with his blight.

Eric Bana was weird in a weird film. Edward Norton wasn't bad for me, but he didn't really make me care for his character. I hate the Ruffalo version. I look at him, and all I see is a chubby Ruffalo and not some intelligent scientist. Sorry, but that's just how I feel.

Your thoughts, guys?


Bill bixby was born to play that role !

Even when episodes of the the tv series just got wayyyy to silly and cheesy , bill bixby was always amazing as banner !


I have to be the one to admit I've loved all of them. Each Banner has had their strengths and not many weaknesses. Bixby was the first on-screen Banner and I loved how lonely he was and Bixby portrayed that with dignity and solemnity. Next came Bana. I loved the film personally. I loved what Ang Lee tried to do with it and Bana was in the mold of Bixby. Tortured and to a degree helpless to his fate as the Hulk. I just got through re-watching this film and although I find Edward Norton to be a bit of a neurotic, I liked his version because without the continuity we woudln't have Mark Ruffalo. As for Ruffalo being "chubby", look again. When he's got his shirt off he's pretty hunky. But then I like my men not that bulky. The only part of his Hulk I don't like is him playing comedy sidekick to Thor. While I mostly liked parts of Ragnarok, I didn't love it all. They did too much with it to try to distance it from the other two films in the franchise that I loved. And unlike most my favourite is "The Dark World".




Bixby, Bana, Ruffalo
I can't even remember Norton


Ruffalo. I sort of like Bill Bixby but the show he was in was not based on comics and was made by people who didn't even like the comics. I like Norton but he had to be fired because he wasn't a team player on Avengers films.



Bill Bixby


Ruffalo is best.
Norton is worst.
