Your Favorite Bruce Banner?

Personally, I've always liked Bill Bixby's Bruce Banner. He's the most human of the bunch, and he's good at making audiences empathize with his blight.

Eric Bana was weird in a weird film. Edward Norton wasn't bad for me, but he didn't really make me care for his character. I hate the Ruffalo version. I look at him, and all I see is a chubby Ruffalo and not some intelligent scientist. Sorry, but that's just how I feel.

Your thoughts, guys?


Ruffalo is my favorite.


I like Eric version


Eric Bana I guess.


Ruffalo for sure!




Bixby was okay but the material was a bit blah so it's hard to judge

Bana nailed the first half of that film but sadly the 2nd half fell apart so badly that he got lost. It's a shame because with a better 3rd act that really could have launched the character a lot better.

Norton - well I gave the film a 1 because it sucked and frankly he was the major reason - everything about his performance is just plain wrong. It's pretty much unwatchable.

Ruffalo - he took what Bana did and spun it right in a much better film. When he touched the crib whilst speaking the lines about things not always working out it said so much about the tragic nature of the character. It wasn't in the script - he just did it and it was subtle stuff like that made him memorable. The 2nd Avengers film undid some of that as his role felt a bit schizophrenic (although I suppose the Hulk is by it's nature a bit schizophrenic). What I mean is that his tone skips around a lot making it harder to get a handle on him. He got reduced to Starks right hand guy (lapdog) a bit too much. For a guy who is always angry he really didn't stand up to Tony enough given his (correct) doubts about tony''s ideas. The performance part was fine but what he was given to do and his motivations were off too often for mine.


Ruffalo (could have easily been first)


I say Ruffalo! Perhaps they should've gotten him instead of Norton in the FIRST PLACE for this movie OR just kept Norton afterwards!


Norton, by a mile. Who the fuck is Mark “Mr. Pudge” Ruffalo? I guess he IS more consonant with the flab-boy fan base for comic book movies. As an actor, not so much.
