There was too much focus on things that didn't matter, and not enough focus on things that DID matter. Supposedly, religion was a big issue on Caprica, but there was not much detail on the two religions, or why they were at odds with each other. A great deal of time was spent fooling around in V-World, while real-world Caprica was just glossed over and ignored. The Tauron mafia looked way too much like something out of the Godfather, and again, they got way too much coverage. Even the part of town where they lived looked like Little Italy, and too much like Earth.
Two of the main characters, Joseph and Amanda, would spend several episodes moping around being depressed about their daughters. That's understandable, but it makes for very boring viewing for the audience.
I had heard that the creators and producers had spent a lot of time and money putting detail and otherworldly 'feel' into the sets, costumes, and atmosphere, but they were forgetting a maxim that George Lucas had once said - "The story is not the SETTING, the story is the STORY!".
By the second half of the season, the people in charge seemed to be getting their heads out of their asses, but by then, the show was already in a tailspin and flaming out.