Eureka and Fringe

Recently found this awesome show and have enjoyed it from start to finish. Great writing, equal parts exciting and funny stuff. I recently watched a different sci-fi show end: Fringe. In tone it is very different, and the humor is much harder to come by, but with the fabulous John Noble it is worth the wait. I'm curious about why there aren't more people who are fans of both shows, which are both high caliber. I only recognized one IMBD poster here whose name I recognized from the Fringe board.


I spent years under immense control and abuse from a selfish ex-girlfriend. She would always control the TV viewing. I had no idea about either of these shows until after they had finished. She would sit watching her brain-dead Soaps, and i never got a look in. I remember wanting to watch a re-run of the original 'V' series, but was refused, for her x-factor crap, so i had to go and buy the dvd instead just to be able to watch it. It is unfair for some comments on here to say watch while it is live, as not all of us have that opportunity, for many different reasons, this is mine. If i had the chance to watch both of these when they were originally broadcast i would have, and demanded their continuation.



Fringe is my all time favorite show. You cannot top Walter Bishop!

Be careful who you hate, it could be someone you love.
