To all the people complaining about Leto
You do realize that is downright hypocritical right, allot of the people (on this board) complaining, claim to be gay or transgender. I am straight but am fine with whatever you choose to be. However you must have know what its like to be discriminated against, "I was told I can do this because I was gay..."ext. So why do you say Leto can't ACT like a transgendder person in a movie because he is a straight male? That is heteroophobic. So I guess straight people can not play gay people, and gay people can not play straight people.
Also, how many transgender actors did you see at the Oscars (or in general?)There are not that many transgender actors and virtually zero famous ones. I would prefer a straight male turn in a fantastic performance then a transgender being hired just because they are transgendered and then turning in a mediocre performance any day.