MovieChat Forums > The Dead Girl (2006) Discussion > Brittany Murphy is a ((TOWERING)) talent...

Brittany Murphy is a ((TOWERING)) talent! Wow. Just wow.

That role could so easily have been hackneyed, but this young woman invested it with so much of her humanity I defy anyone — even those of us who are older and not a little cynical about what passes for acting chops these days, the days of cookie cutter actors — I say it again, I defy anyone to ever forget this young woman's performance.

How good was it? This performance was right up there with DeNiro's terrifying descent into madness in TAXI DRIVER as he's standing before the mirror and arguing with his imaginary demons. Oh yes. That good.

We are witness to genuine, authentic talent in this young woman, at a time when precious little of it is given a chance to bloom in these days of inherited careers based upon Dynasty.

We had another one lately, as well: Heath Ledger.

So there is hope. I picked this up off of my library shelf and watched it with a friend and both of us were just floored by this performance. I mean to take nothing away from the other actors, but this was talent of a completely unexpected depth. Highly recommend.



I miss her so much. She was one of the best younger actresses around.

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