MovieChat Forums > In Bruges (2008) Discussion > Rays character was one of the most unlik...

Rays character was one of the most unlikeable characters EVER

he really was a bully....double the bully actually... because he hurt with words AND physical violence. pretty much every scene...he is pushing someones buttons in the worst possible way.

and people took it,men and women alike because he comes across as threatning
physically so people essencially became like lambs in the midst of a wolf.
they just tried to weather his storm.

this is obviouslly not an attack on colin....he brought this charcter to life amazingly...the fact I felt such hate for him..and yes fear of his charcter even though it was just a movie...I've also found myself cowed in the presence of a sort of threatning alpha male at certain times of my life where I sort of shut down and hoped for the best while being scared.

this movie brought that back to me of being around a bully that cant be placated, or made friends with...he will buttons because thats just how he is. I didnt see any redemptive sign at all in ray...ken did...but it was hard to stomach. it didnt make sense. ray was a full grown man who was trouble to all those around him....great movie though...and to think I will be in bruges in a month and a half!


I disagree.



I found his childlike manner quite endearing, personally.

Sat and forever am at work here.


Chloe and Ray are terrible people.

One is a hit-man and child-killer, the other is a drug-dealing thief who preys on tourists.

They're both terrible people, Chloe even acknowledges this when she asks Ray why he likes her.

"You're nice" is his reply she is stunned because inside she knows she is an awful person.

Yet both these awful people are partially redeemed by their love for each other.

Just imagine those characters if they were not young and attractive.


I like Ray. He truly regretted what he did. Not a perfect person, but nor am I. It's not my place to judge him.


In spite of all his shortcomings, I really liked Ray. I hope he lived.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


He's just immature and messed up with the wrong crowd of people. He clearly has a conscience and a good heart, he's just got no tact. Plus you have to remember that the time we spend with him in this movie he is suicidal and hates himself and everything else. That doesn't make for a very pleasant character.

What I personally think makes him likable is his charismatic performance that shows he's pretty naive and a little clueless about what to do with himself. Also I think it's impossible not to feel bad for him when he feels so wretchedly about himself.


"Plus you have to remember that the time we spend with him in this movie he is suicidal and hates himself and everything else. That doesn't make for a very pleasant character."

Absolutely. He's in a really dark place, and there's never any light coming out of those places. Depressed people are truly no fun being around - that they don't mean to be like that, and that pushing people away works against them too, only makes the situation more tragic.


I think the trick is that despite his actions, Ray is likable, very likable. He's funny and exuberant. "They're filmin' midgets!" he says excitedly. He also proves he is capable (at least at being a criminal), when he bests Cloe's former boyfriend. Even Harry has to admit that.

He likes to have a good time, and would probably be fun to hang out with, if his temper didn't get him into trouble. He does deeply regret killing the boy, but my biggest problem with him is that he seems not to care at all that he killed a priest. Maybe the priest was a child molester? He says he kills him for money, but we never find out more than that, as if killing for money is totally justified.

It reminds me of the book "Lolita." Humbert Humbert is very intelligent, witty, likable character. Nevermind the fact that he's a chilid molester and murderer. Well, nobody's perfect.


Ray has no filter.

I think he grew up in an apathetic, possibly abusive home where he had no guidance and was pretty much left to develop on his own. I think that is evidenced by his total lack of and interest in "culture" and more adult things. He had the social skills of a child which he demonstrated in the church, where he was absentmindedly making a racket with the chair where he was sitting, oblivious to the fact that an "adult" wouldn't behave that way. He was probably shunned and bullied by the "normal" kids which made him toughen up, then he probably took up with the "bad kids", thus wanting to be a hit man. He even said the priest was his first job.

I think killing the kid (and viewing Chloe as an actual person, in an adult manner) opened his eyes and caused him to discover that he did indeed have a moral compass that was waking up. I mean he was even trying to tell Harry that he didn't kill a child which would have sealed his fate AND prevented Harry from killing himself. That was a completely selfless act.

It's hard to say that I hope he lived and could have another chance, after all, he did some truly awful things but life is never really black and white, is it?
