Looking at some of these posts, I don't know which is worse: the anti-gay Christians or the anti-Christian pro-gay people.
First off, I'm just going say that I am a Christian baptist AND I support gays.
I'm tired of anti-gay Christians using the bible to back up their reasoning for deny gays the right to equal treatment. Being gay alone won't condemn you to hell. It is completely possible for gays to live godly lives, and more of them probably would *if* right wing whites would stop throwing Leviticus in their faces.
The bible also says that adultery, stealing, and lying is wrong, and yet many are more willing to forgive this than homosexuality. There is no such thing as a perfect human being; even after accepting Christ, we never stop committing sin, even if we try.
All sin is equal to god. That is to say that homosexuality is equally bad as lying, which is equally as bad as stealing, which is equally as bad as adultery, which is equally as bad as murder. All sin is equally detestable, because god is a sinless being.
BUT God forgives sin. All sin. The requirement for getting into heaven is: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, and WHOEVER believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."
This covers lairs, adulterers, and yes, homosexuals. It covers you, me, your parents, every stranger on the street, every person, every age, every skin color, and every sexuality. We are all sinner, but we are all loved equally in gods eyes. Therefore, homosexuality alone isn't a one-way ticket into hell. Homosexuality doesn't define your worth as a human being and shouldn't deny you of equal rights.
And those of you that are slamming Christians... you are just as bad as those prosecuting gays. I don't care if you share my beliefs or not. I'm sure you wouldn't make a laundry list of reasons why Buddhism is wrong to Buddhists like you do for Christianity to Christians. Christianity in itself isn't wrong, but its the people using it to falsely persecute others and cover up their prejudices that are wrong.
You should note that there are tons of Christians that support gays because they see them as normal people. Don't automatically lump us all into the same category and think that just because we believe in the bible that it makes us unable to accept those different than us. We aren't all "bible-toting jesus freaks".
"9= Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived (misled): neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality,
10= Nor cheats (swindlers and thieves), nor greedy graspers, nor drunkards, nor foulmouthed revilers and slanderers, nor extortioners and robbers will inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God."
actually the original language words directly refer to people who are attracted to the same sex, or as described in the old testament as people from Sodom and Gomorrah.
I have read some people who claim that it doesnt refer to homosexuals and say that it talks about men who arent concerned with women and that all Bibles are mistranslated. That assumption would be wrong if you look at it without bias and intelligently while also taking into account the rest of the language of the Bible, not just cherry picking.
Why do people always come up with Bible quotes? The Bible is no more than a fairy tale book by adults, most of it made up by some people thousands of years ago, and anyone with some brain in his head can figure that out, whether he is CHristian, atheist or whatever. Why should THAT book have any authority at all to tell me if I´m going to hell, especially for something I can´t help or change or anything? Sort out the Roman Catholic CHurch, starting with the Vatican - after that we can meet and discuss homosexuality again.
We´ll serve anyone, meaning anyone, and to anyone - at all!
First off, I have read the whole Bible cover to cover twice, secondly, the new testament wasnt written in Hebrew, it was written mainly in Greek.
I like how I didnt even quote Leviticus, I was pointing to the New Testament 1 Corinthians to be exact.
And for the record, I dont ignore anything, and it doesnt mention shrimp, it talks about shellfish in Numbers and Chronicles, not shrimp exactly. All that you mention is only in the Old Testament, which is pre-Jesus, and has only to do with Jewish custom.
Now to clear somethings up, I was only referring to the original post saying that Christianity and homosexuality can coexists, they cannot as shown clearly in 1 Cor. 6:9-10. Now if you arent a Christian, do whatever you want, I wont stop you. I was only talking about people who claim to believe in Christ.
Its funny how people claim to be something yet ignore some of the most basic things in that believe.
But obviously I will not get through to anybody, so I will stop.
Cover to cover? How good was the twist at the end? (btw, spoiler-Jesus dies) I read it from cover to cover once, in that i looked at the front, the back, threw it away and read a Stephen King book. At least his fiction is entertaining.
What's all this shouting? We'll have no trouble here
Yes. Please stop. I "claim" to believe in Christ. I also believe that homosexuality is not a sin. I'd much rather discuss the hypocrisy of Catholic church and the cover ups concerning their cult of baby raping priests.
actually the original language words directly refer to people who are attracted to the same sex, or as described in the old testament as people from Sodom and Gomorrah.
The people in Sodom and Gomorrah weren't gay. The city's population would have died out long ago if they were. Where are you getting your information?
Why would want to turn gay with all these beautiful women?
If that's the logic you're going by, I'm sure more than one gay guy would be willing to ask you who would want to turn straight with all these beautiful men.
...And if you're going by that logic, are you saying that lesbianism is reasonable? With all those beautiful women and all?
About the whole moses being naked issue, moses was naked and one of his sons found it funny as opposed to covering him up as the other two did. And yes, the old testament had its brutal days. And, much of what happened then, with the changing of fashion and technology, quite often happens now.
Also, the scripture in leviticus, right after saying that a man shouldn't lie with a man as he would a woman, says that a man shouldn't lie with an animal, dot dot dot.
Also, Jesus said that he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone, which basically put an end to that.
And to be honest, there are a few sins, well, abominations, that are worse that sins. But again, only God is the judge.
And as far as forgiveness goes, the bible says that he that endures to the end will enter heaven.
And quite frankly, I really only look at homosexuals in more or less the same light as I do people of differing religions/beliefs. This signature goes out to all of you idiots that can't read (you're dumb...tee hee).
Why do people steer out of the bibles strict words? Because they are not so heartless as the CARICATURE of God in the bible. A mother would never want to hurt their child. I don't believe God has a smaller heart then the avarage human. I don't see the bible as the truth at all. Don't think by the book, think with your heart. If your looking for God, Jesus or whatever you call him/her/it, look within, not at the skies.
I kinda want to kiss you right now. We aren't all hate talkers. In fact, I think gay marriage is used as a divider issue to divert attention away from kick backs and subsidies given by the politicians who yammer on the most about the "sanctity of marriage." As Christian, I hate the bad rap we all get. But, considering some of the folks who lead us, we kinda have it coming. Join the cussing good times at http://mommalittle.com
God utterly destroyed two entire cities because of their perverse behavior. And he even punished the woman who looked back at the destruction. So, before you go around declaring that God is tolerant of that lifestyle, read your history.
God is guilty of lots of murder in the bible...or should I say, genocide. Believers make excuses for god all of the time, but in the end, he even murdered the population of the world with a flood because it was so evil (except Noah and his family, of course). Try as they may, believers have a hard time trying to justify this huge murder spree that took the lives of many children and babies as well as adults. Are we expected to believe that these babies and children were sinning and offensive to god as well?? Who cares about a new covenant through Jesus with a deity who has so much blood on it's hands? God never changes, yet we are expected to believe that he went through this transition from bloodthirsty tyrant to an all loving god of peace? Don't worry, he promises a great deal more bloodshed in the end times, so I guess he didn't change much afterall.
* * * * "Let the legions of the damned...SALUTE YOUUUUU!"
What exactly was the perverse behavior? My understanding was that Inhospitality was the sin that doomed soddom and gommorah. Why would he punish woman for looking back if they weren't involved? In addition Leviticus also states that you are not to cut your hair or shave Leviticus 19:27, that you are not to wear clothes made of more than one fabric L 19:19, Any person who curseth his mother or father must be killed, L 20:9, If a man cheats on his wife, or vice versa, both the man and woman must die L 20:20, I can go on, and on, and on, and on. Jesus made NO comments on homosexuality so don't you think if it was the be all, end all, cardinal sin he might have just mentioned it once. I am a christian as well but your argument is using your limited understanding of the bible to cherry pick concepts to fuel your bigotry.
Very true, but sadly that does not stop people from claiming that every story and word in there is true and came directly from the mouth of God.
---God utterly destroyed two entire cities because of their perverse behavior...So, before you go around declaring that God is tolerant of that lifestyle, read your history."---
By "perverse behavior" I'm assuming you mean homosexual acts. That is actually a common misconception.
Sodom has given its name to the term 'Sodomy', which originally meant a specific male homosexual sex act, but eventually expanded to mean any form of sexual expression which happened to be illegal, including things that married heterosexual couples do every day. Today it has since reverted back to it's single definition of the one sex act.
Closer reading of the story of Sodom reveals the name to be a bit of a misnomer. To start off, Sodom is described simply as a 'wicked' place. Lot, Abraham's nephew, goes to live there to see if even one righteous person can be found there. The sexual theme starts when two disguised angels visit Lot. A mob, consisting of the men of the city, attacks Lot's house and demands that Lot allow them to 'know' (fornicate with) the two men/angels.
What happened next was that Lot (Gen 19:8) asked the mob to have sex with his two virgin daughters instead, but not the two guests, "for ... they came under the shadow of my roof."
The rest of the story is well-known: divine wrath ensues, the city's destroyed while Lot and his family flee, Lot's wife is turned to a pillar of salt because she looks back, and only Lot and his daughters escape, blah, blah, we know this part already...
The sin of the city of Sodom was not homosexuality as it is often missclaimed to be, but rather the city was considered to be in violation of the rights of Lot's guests. Defining the 'sin of Sodom' to be male homosexuality was a later interpretation, which was made by medieval Jewish and Christian writers, as a reaction to Pagan acceptance of homosexuality (notably the Romans).
Eastern hospitality, to this day, implies a responsibility to protect guests under one's roof. The fact that Lot was ready to make a huge sacrifice by offering up his virgin daughters to the mob instead of his guests underlines this.
There is abundant ancient Jewish folklore which tells of the cruelty of Sodom to strangers, and their mistreatment of the poor and homeless. This was the city's sin. Not homosexuallity. No where in the Bible will you find a passage that says that Sodom was destroyed because of homosexuality.
Some of these Jewish stories tell of travelers given gold but not food by the people of Sodom, and when they starved to death everything was then stolen from their dead bodies, including the gold and the clothes off their backs and their corpses were left to rot. One of Lot's daughters is burned to death for the crime of giving a starving man food. Another woman who assists a poor man is smeared with honey and left to be stung to death by bees. There are many tales like these ones that explain the extreme cruelty of the city.
If any of you want to take the time to read some of these I suggest checking out 'Ginzburg's Legends of the Jews' and 'Polano's The Talmud: Selections'
After reading some of these tales it's no wonder why God would have wanted to put an end to such a place. But keep in mind that the destruction of Sodom had nothing to do with homosexuality and everything to do with the people of the city senselessly mistreating others.
I'm not trying to say that God is for or against homosexuality (what the Bible says about God honestly doesn't matter to me, it's just a book, after all; I just happen to find it an entertaining read). I only wanted to straighten out the truth of the story of Sodom.
(sorry, this post turned out much longer then I thought it would)
"I'm not going there to die, I'm going to find out if I'm really alive." ~Spike Spiegel
The OP was admirable, but he was mistaken when he called homosexuality a sin, because it's not. Sin is something we have a choice to commit or not, however homosexuality is as natural and uncontrollable as one's XX or XY chromosomes. Nobody needs to repent from what isn't a sin, and homosexuality can't be repented of anyways. That would mean that one could stop being gay, and no homosexual can stop being gay, just like no heterosexual can stop being straight.
Leviticus didn't call homosexuality a sin, and neither does any other part of the bible. In Romans 1 Paul makes it clear that he is talking to a specific group of people, which by his writings indicated he was talking about the Pagan people and their customs in Ancient Greko/Roman Culture. He names behaviors of these people, and he clearly says that their behavior is attributed to their worship of their Idol gods. While murder, boastfullness, and pride are all pretty universal one definition words, not all sexual acts are the same. So just because one Paul mentions that the Men he was referrencing was having sexual relations with other men doesn't automatically mean that he was referring to homosexuals, or the natural sexual affection b/w same sex lovers. If he was attributing the Roman pagans behavior to their worship of their gods, then the only logical conclusion one can draw from that was that these Pagans were performing their everyday Idolatrous sexual customs, which included Pederasty(Men having sexual relations with boys), sexual dominance and some times rape of Male slaves, and Men having relations with young male prostitutes. These men were not homosexuals, but merely heterosexual males who have been taught that they have a right to do these things as long as it's not with a another grown male, free born boy, and that they still take a wife and have children and such. Real homosexual males had few choices. Either they could deny themselves and take wives, or engage in monogamous relationships with a same sex companion and be ridiculed or possibly killed for being gay. Ancient Pagan Romans(Even the ones have man/boy sex) abhorred homosexuals(especially lesbians), and thought a man having a relationship with another man to be monstrous. My point with all of this is, that true homosexuals were rarely found in public or open about their relationships, so Paul couldn't have possibly seen true homosexuals at work to write about them, and apparently he like so many ancients didn't have the knowledge that there are people who are born attracted to only the same sex. Therefore as he was condemning the common same sex pgan customs of pederasty, male slave sexual abuse, and male prostitution(in Romans 1) he spoke in a way as if the only people who engaged in same sex activity were those who were engaging in lustful same sex Idolatrous activity, instead of those people who are exlusively attracted towards the same sex, because he had no knowledge the latter existed. And as we all know(well those of who think anyways), homosexuality has nothing to do with Idolatry, and natural same sex sexual affection has nothing to with Idolatrous customs. So my conclusion is that Paul was not referring or talking about homosexuality in Romans 1, but specific same sex acts that are/were because of Idolatrous customs.
Interesting to see how somebody thought my post on the previous page was 'so incredibly offensive' that they had to report it, yet they didn't even bother to report the Nazi on the previous page who said gays can burn in Hell and how unatural it is. What the *beep* is your problem? You think his post is justified?
Come on, the person can fess up and tell me why they think my post has the right to be deleted but the christian-nazi's post deserves to be kept?
Come on, fess up.
I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you...stranger. -The Joker
Actually I'm not wrong. Yes I know that sin is anything that goes against God's law, BUT God's law never condemns homosexuality, homosexual relationships, or the natural sexual affection that exist in those monogamous same sex relationships, Nor does his Law say "And men shall only have affections for women, and women shall only have affections for men". God never defined a relationship b/w only a man and a woman, so of what law are homosexuals going against? There's nothing 'drawing' people into homosexuality, anymore then there's something drawing people to heterosexuality. To sin is to make a choice, to be gay, straight, or bi, is to simply be born with your hormones being geared to a specific gender. There's no choice involved when it comes to sexuality. I only use a cultural emphasis, because Paul used a cultural emphasis in Romans 1, when he was writing about a certain group of people, whom he said worshipped false gods(or pagan gods), and attributed all of their behavior to these false gods. That in itself clearly explains that these people's behaviors were directly linked to the worship of their gods, meaning that they weren't homosexuals, but simply people of all sexualities(mostly straight of course) who were engaging in popular pagan same sex activity of that day. Which included pederasty(Man/boy sex), Young Male shrine prostitution, and the sexual abuse of Male slaves. This was all legal, common, and encouraged in Ancient Rome, however true homosexuailty, that involves monogamy, love, and attraction was discouraged and seen as an abomination by the Roman pagans. So if Roman society made homosexuality illegal, then I doubt that Paul could have seen true homosexuals at work, non the less condemn them.
You say you believe more in the emphasis of the original language, but then you give me 1 Cor 6:9, in which in no original greek language did Paul ever use a word that can translate into homosexual or homosexual offender. Your version of the bible has been mistranslated, perhaps you should do more study on languages before you shove incorrect translations down people's throat? Do you see these translations in the KJV? No. The KJV might have it's own mistranslations but it is the most correctly translated out of all of the modern english bibles.
Homosexuality isn't an urge, it's a natural sexual orientation, like heterosexuality.
Yes the bible does say that sex is to only take place b/w a married couple, BUT the Bible never defines marriage as b/w only a man and woman. It only mentions heterosexual marriage, but it would be intellectually dishonest to say that the bible condemns same sex marriage simply because it failed to mention it. I'm a woman, and oneday I will have a wife, and I will become sexually intimate with her, and there will be nothing with that in the eyes of God.
There's a lot of things written in the bible that are merely cultural, that shouldn't be followed unless we want to return to the bronze age. Such as the fact that Paul says it's against nature for a man to have long hair, and it is a shame to him. We obviously don't follow all that Paul says is against nature do we? Why because we recognize that it was a cultural thing, and not a universal one. Just like women speak in church when Paul says that shouldn't speak in church, and shouldn't teach men. Yet today women do speak in church, and their are clearly blessed female preachers who preach and teach men and women within their congregation, and we know that yet again what Paul said was a cultural thing, and if we were follow all of his cultural rhetoric, we would yet again fall back into the dark ages. So it is important to distinguish b/w cutural scripture, literal scripture, and parable scripture, as well as research the history of the times the scripture was written, so that we can clearly understand what the passage says, instead of merely knowing what it says.
I hate to break it to you but you're mistaken. The Greek word that has been mistranslated as homosexual offender is Arsenokoites. Malakos has been translated as effiminate in the KJV. Malakos has never and will never mean a man who has sex with another man. In fact the word Malakos had a heterosexual connotation to Men who enjoyed having too much pleasure with women. It also referred to morally weak men in general, or Greedy or Gluttonous men. It never meant a man who had sex with another man. The word Arsenokoites was a word created by Paul, that he failed to define within biblical text, but the word was never used to refer to homosexuals by other Christian leaders of the time. It's actually been used to refer to pederasty and rape, but never the sexual intimacy that takes place b/w homosexual males. Yes you're right that we must take scripture in context, even those in Romans 1. 1 Corinthians 6:9 has nothing to do with homosexuality at all, so that verse doesn't matter in this debate.
Of course women can talk in church, and no one should talk while the preacher is giving his sermon. However if your interpretation of this verse is correct then why should Men talk while the pastor is discerning b/w fale or true prophecy, while women cannot? There's nothing wrong with the head pastor of a church being a woman. There are many head female pastors who have good churches.
The truth is that the word Malakos has meant something different every century it's been used. In Paul's time it was used to refer to Morally weak men, or men who enjoyed too much pleasure with women, but in Martin Luther's day it meant masturbator. Slowly but surely after until now, it's been grossly mistranslated into something dealing with homosexual men. It could mean male prostitute, just like it has 10 million other definitions, but none of the accurate definitions ever define the word as a homosexual male.
The word Arsenokoites literally translates into Male Bed, not male penetrator. If the word arsenokoites has been found in documents that pre date christ, then could you give me a list of these documents of which they are in? Because I'm pretty sure every single scholar(reguradless of what they believe the word to mean) agrees that Paul created this word, and that it never existed in literature before Corinthians was written.
I haven't seen one piece of Greek literature that uses this word as a referrence to those who are impotent the opposite sex. Not once.
I don't interpret scripture by starting out with an Idea then trying to prove it. That's for the anti gay side to unrighteously do. Even though I am a lesbian, I was brainwashed to believe that homosexuality was a sin, and that it was a choice. I believed this blindly, and argued for it until I turned blue. However the truth has a funny way of breaking down one's incorrect argument, and God and His word did just that. You see, when one reads the bible for what it says, and then actually learns of the history and context to understand what it 'MEANS', then one would see that the bible doesn't condemn homosexuality, homosexual relationships, or the sexual affection in those relationships. The anti gay view of the bible has to make up lies,incorporate mistranslations and misinterpretations, and impliment literalism(at least at the convient parts of the bible) into their beliefs in order to find anti homosexuality in the bible.
What Jesus said in Matthew 19 was nothing more then a command to not divorce except in cases of unfaithfulness, because God wanted married couples to stay together and not get divorced. Jesus never gave a definition for a relationship, nor did he give a definition for marriage. He simply quoted a biblical text to show us God's purpose for us staying together with our spouses, and then in this same chapter, he said that homosexuals(natural born eunuchs), castrated people(man made eunuchs), and Celibate people(Eunuchs who are that way to serve the Kingdom of God), cannot accept traditional sense of marriage. Just because the bible speaks of the only kind of real marriage that existed(heterosexual marriage) doesn't mean that Gay marriage is condemned, it simply means that Gay marriage either didn't exist in those times, were not public or common, or were simply contracts b/w platonic friends that had nothing to do with raising families or love. As I've said before there's not one verse in the bible that says 'and marriage shall only be b/w a man and a woman', nor is there a verse that says 'and only Men should have affections for women, and women should only have affections for men'. Even if the bible did say this, there would be nothing one could do about their natural homosexual orientation.
You say there's not one instance in the bible where homosexuality is condoned, well that depends on your definition of condoned. Because Jesus mentioned homosexuals as natural eunuchs in Matthew 19 and said that they were naturally born that way from their mother's womb. Even if Jesus didn't say this, again the fact that the bible doesn't mention something doesn't give us justification to make assumptions about it. The bible never condones women going to college, or Men being able to keep house while their wives keep jobs, or that slavery is a horrid practice that should be banished, etc. However women are allowed to go to college and it's not a sin, Men can be stay at home dads while their wives have jobs and this isn't a sin, and slavery is anti life and just plain wrong no matter what kind of slavery it is. We didn't have the bible to determine these things, we had common sense that has been given to us by God. Common sense tells me if I'm born gay, and have no way of changing my orientation, and my homosexuality hurts no one, takes nothing from no one, and God's word doesn't condemn my natural orientation, then there's nothing wrong with homosexuality at all.
As for Paul's saying, again Paul said that Men having long hair is a shame for them and unnatural. Does that mean we adhere to that, and does that mean that men having long hair is unnatural or a shame to him, or that in Paul's time it was(more specifically in Roman culture)? Of course in an archaic time period like Ancient Rome or Greece women couldn't be pastors. No one would take that religious institution seriously, because of Men's ancient ignorant reasoning that women cannot lead or is not as efficient as Men are in leader positions. However God chooses all of his leaders in all of his chuches, and if that leader so happens to be a woman, then that's alright with me.
Homosexuality doesn't occur in society, it occurs in our biology. It's not a cultural phenomenon, it's an orientation. There's nothing wrong with homosexuality, and God never says there is. As a christian you do get to choose which parts of the bible you follow, because I can assure you, if you aren't on death row, then you haven't followed the whole bible. I don't follow the whole bible, and I'm not ashamed of it. I'm actually glad I don't, because some of it is brutal and unneccessary, and I'm not about violence or misogyny, I'm about love, peace, and equality for all.
I'm not doing my exegesis backwards and the bible doesn't say that homosexual offenders won't inherit the kingdom of God. There's absolutely no word in that verse that translates into homosexual offender. Probably because there's no such thing as a homosexual offender, that doesn't even make sense. You have no proof and no ancient textual data that proves that arsenokoites translates into homosexual or homosexual offender.
You say scripture defines marriage everytime it speaks of it as b/w a man and woman. Well scripture never said that marriage is only b/w a man and a woman, and if you are making assumptions because of the omissions of same sex marriage, then that's not a very logical way of interpreting the bible. Many things then can be assumed because they are omitted from scripture, many harmful things.
"A eunuch is someone who is asexual or does not have sex" This would be true, except there's actually ancient textual data that says that eunuchs were very much sexually active. Natural born eunuchs were eunuchs who had no attraction towards the opposite sex, but had attractions exclusively for the same sex in the eyes of the ancients. Man made eunuchs were castrated eunuchs who were both heterosexuals and homosexuals, because there's proof that both gay and straight eunuchs were sexually active. And then there were eunuchs who made themselves that way to serve the kingdom of God. We know them better as celibate people. I'm sure there existed asexual people of all kinds(not just eunuchs), however you will be laughed at if you tell anyone who's studied eunuchs that they were either asexual or celibate, because the evidence suggest otherwise. For more information go to "www.well.com/user/aquarius/".
"I bring up that the bible never condones homosexuality, after pointing out several cases where it denounces it." Except where Jesus says that Homosexuals are born that way from their mother's womb. Also you haven't given me one verse that denounces or even describes homosexuality.
"You say that you don't follow the whole bible, and therein lies the problem" You don't follow the bible either. Unless you don't eat shrimp, don't wear mixed fabric clothing, don't touch woman when they are on their periods, or sit in chairs where woman who are on their periods have sitten, separate yourself from society and ask forgiveness from God when you have wet dreams in which you ejaculate sperm involuntarily, or view growing two different types of seeds on the same land as wrong, view the murder of those who commit adultery, women who commit fornication, those who practice witchcraft, and those who disobey their parents as acceptable?
"I don't think you see scripture as the unadulterated word of God" Yes I do, however somethings for an ancient culture, and I won't go back to the bronze age with some of the 'rules' from scripture. Like the ones I listed above.
"However we do not get to use our judgment as to which parts of scripture to accept" I won't believe I've done anything wrong by coming on my period, and I will not separate myself from society while I'm on my period. I will not kill anyone who commits fornication or disobeys their parents.
If we are no longer under Mosaic law, then that means we don't follow all of the bible. You can't have your cake and eat it to. We don't follow the whole bible, and that's that.
"for us to say we don't like part of God's words is to tell him that we don't agree with him" I'm sorry I don't like the part of God's word where people die for petty crimes, like fornication and adultery. You can't teach me to love my neighbors my whole life, and then expect me feel okay about the killing of people simply because of who they decided to have consentual sex with. That's not forgiveness or compassion. The Mosaic law wasn't really that compassionate or loving. It was brutal and archaic. Places I never plan to return to in my own life.
"We all are born with a sinful nature" Again sinful nature has nothing to do with being born biologically how we are meant to. A sinful nature isn't sin itself, and we still have a choice to sin or not. There's no choice with sexuality, and it's not something that surrounds us like a 'sinful nature' would. Our sexuality is a part of who we are like our arms and skin color is. What scripture says that people are 'born' with a sinful nature btw?
"the desire to do what's wrong" Sexuality isn't a desire. You have the basic fundamentals of sexuality wrong, and you are trying to compare sin that can be chosen, to something that's biologically chosen for us by God. It doesn't work.
"Whether it is the sin of homosexuality or something else, being a Christian is denying that sinful nature" Homosexuality isn't a sin, and denying one's sexuality will cause nothing but destruction and death. God brings life not death.
Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Romans 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
obviously you have been lied to by Satan. Homosexuality is NOT something your were born with. Most people who are gay had issues with their parents or were sexually abused. To state that God condones are dangerous lifestyle that gives the average gay a life expectancy of 42 is absurd! Do you seriously believe that God would condone a lifestyle that condemns gays to growing old and alone without a family to look after them? Two in three AIDS cases affect gays! What God would that be who would be okay with gay couples that would send kids the wrong message and mess with their heads and make them feel gay? Stop lying to yourself and stop lying to others about gayness. You are not born with it. Even if you were: Should an alcoholic go on drinking just because he has that "natural" urge? God's law is the ideal we must aspire to! Hence man and woman who can procreate within a family unit. IF we start justifying gayness through the Bible we condone a lifestyle that goes contrary to a healthy society. Every gay couple is a couple less that can contribute to society. It's totally pointless and nothing but idolatry and dangerous. The sexual practices of gays alone expose them to tremendous health risks! And to argue in favor of gayness with the help of the Bible is a recent phenomenon that ignores that throughout the centuries gayness was interpreted as an abomination and as sin. There are plenty of former gays incl. a friend of mine who gave his life to Jesus and was healed of his sexual aberration. I have nothing but compassion for gays. But the truth needs to be told. You do not have to be gay. Do not listen to Satan's lies. Check the link below:
I'm sorry, Burgershmurger, but it's clear that YOU are the Satan here, and that we should stop listening to YOUR lies and deceit.
You try make us believe that our sexuality is a matter of choice, like the clothes we wear. I don't buy that. I am a heterosexual, period. Just like my friend is a homosexual, period. Yout condemnation of some people as sinners or 'wrong' in God's eye is a clear case of Pride, for which you will be punished. Love your God, and do like he does: to love all peoople, no matter what their skin colour, talents or preferences. There is no commandment telling people to *not* love other people, or telling them to sleep with A not with B.
Stop using your homophobic fallacies on us. Many heterosexuals had also 'issues with their parents' or 'were sexually abused'. Many children were sexually abused by your church clergy, as you are well aware. So your clergy has 'changed' these children into homosexuals? That's just your logic. Vade retro, Satan!.
Two hundred years ago God gave us *all* a life expectancy of 42 years. So he must have really hated us back then, didn't he?
Many are the people who were despised, rejected by their own family for being gay - did God tell them to punish in his name? Incidentally even to drive them to take their own life? To lead unhappy lives in the hope of being 'accepted' by the likes of you?
It is *sex* exposes to grave health risks, as any doctor can tell you - the homosexual aspect alone does not count for much. Or do you - Satan! - try to make us believe that aids is a 'homosexual disease'? Then it's time for you do update your knowledge. I am sure you agree that God granted us medical science.
So stop lying to us, and to yourself. Stop putting us to the test, Satan! I will deny you thrice before the cock crows.
obviously you are in denial. you are just desperately trying to prove that gayness ins not a sin. it IS a sin and when there are people who commit such sinful acts, then they are to be condemned! stop trying to shut people up who try to stop you from twisting God's word!
my church clergy? there are millions. and what do i have to do with them? there are gays beating other gays up. so are all gays to be condemned? two in three people with AIDS are gay! it's all over the news agencies. it's a fact and nobody even denies it apart from you. why is it that pretty much all gay celebs participate in AIDS charities? i am not afraid of gays, thus i'm no homophobic. some of my favorite artists are gay. it's just a fact that gays wind up old and alone with no kids and family. it may be fun to be young and gay, but what when you grow old? and what does it matter if you feel like sinning? should God bow to your desires and laws, to people's promiscuity and homosexuality and their unwillingness to have a family? it's easy to give in to all your lusts and desires and try to justify it in God's eyes. so because you feel you are "naturally" attracted to the same sex or want to have extra-marital sex, God must accept it? this is blasphemy and just selfish behavior. the bible says "thy will be done" and not "my will." i too have issues and am far from perfect, but i don't deny them and don't try to legitimize my sins in God's eyes. and yes, sex does expose both gays and straights to diseases. you know why? because both break God's law. sex should be only among married couples. that's the safest way. but sexual practices common among gays are dangerous and gays are much more promiscuous than straights. like i told you, i do no hate gays but want to show them that there is another way. so your threadbare "satan" shtick won't wash with me. obviously, you've been blinded by satan to such degree that you scream "homophobic" as soon as somebody dares disagree with your blinkered view. there are former gays who are happily married. to say they're all just in denial is yet another convenient lie. read the testimonies of former gays and you realise that they turned gay because of issues with their parents and not because of stigmatization by society.
you have two options: gay and without a family( adopting children is just a puny substitute and unnatural, not to mention that a child needs a father AND mother) or you choose getting married to the other sex and have a proper family. what is more desirable? what is the absolute ideal that God wants us to strive for? but to imply that God is all for gay sex even though it's been condemned as an "abomination" time and time again is just grasping at straws. sure, God forgives you all sins, incl. homosexuality. but be aware of the dangers and the sad and drab life you're gonna be living. nobody who gave his life to Jesus could keep on living the gay lifestyle without a bad conscience. and most gays know they're sinners and their relationships are just poor imitations of straight relationships. go on screaming "homophobe" but it won't change the facts that gays are sinners that God still loves. But their lives are gonna be without God's blessing and with every sinful act they remove themselves even further from God.
So I'd like to know if within you there is *any awareness at all* that your view on life is based on some kind of imagined story that you happen to believe is true.
There are many religions in this world. They all demand from their followers to "believe" that their dogma's are true, that their god exists, that their holy book contains the truth, that their morals are right, and so on.
Are you capable of admitting that yours is nothing but one of the potential viewpoints on homosexuality, and that other people are *free* to believe anything else?
Or are you in favor of state-sponsored religion, and believe that the state should actively support and condone your religious viewpoint?
It is my belief that religion and state should be separated, even when the majority of people adheres to a certain religion (and believe that women are subordinated to men, and homosexuals should be persecuted), and that enlightened, civilized states protect its civilians from religion-based bigotry by ensuring equal rights for all.
Does a state have the right to persecute catholics, if the democratic majority of the people would like that to happen (e.g. ban them from the military and exclude them from legal marriage)?
Does a state have the right to persecute homosexuals, if the democratic majority of the people would like that to happen (e.g. ban them from the military and exclude them from legal marriage)?
I won't give up on your soul. Maybe it can still be salvaged.
Jesus was criticized for hanging around with sinners - prostitues and such. Whatever you believe the Bible says about homosexuality, it's better not to be judgemental about it - nobody's perfect. Why worry about the speck in your brother's eye when you have a plank in your own?
You are totally wrong. You have been lied to very well. Homosexuality will condemn you to hell. That is 100% sure. Let's take the most simple things.
Genesis 1:27; God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. 28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground"
=> MALE and FEMALE. Not male and male or female and female. "Be fruitful and increase in number"....male+male or female+female = impossible to be fruitful.
captainofiron 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
"9= Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived (misled): neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality,
10= Nor cheats (swindlers and thieves), nor greedy graspers, nor drunkards, nor foulmouthed revilers and slanderers, nor extortioners and robbers will inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God."
No grey area there eh?
spot on
Homosexuals should get there attention from Christians, and i think, only if they seek Christ to wash away there sins and free them from the homosexuality that they have picked up.
to troy392004-1
So if there is no God, Heaven and hell...what is there then. Just an end of life and that's it?! "Now that's a lot of fun"... depressing. It would cheer up you life a lot if you just accept that the best thing, witch is out of your possible imagination and thoughts, still awaits you :)
If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature! reply share
1) Slavery is okay and should be allowed to continue on forever (Leviticus 25:44-46)
2) That people who work on the Sabbath should die (Exodus 35:2)
3) That I am required to kill any of my friends or family members who are guilty of worshipping another god (Deuteronomy 13:6-10)
4) That if a woman is raped, then her rapist should be allowed to marry her (Deuteronomy 22:28-29)
5) That if a woman is not a virgin when she gets married then she should die (Deuteronomy 22:13-21)
6) That homosexual males should be killed (Leviticus 20:13 -- female homosexuality is not considered)
I don’t believe that there is a single Christian out there who agrees with everything mentioned here, and this is only a small portion of such things listed in the Bible.
And you know what? If you are Christian and can’t full heartedly agree with everything listed above then that’s okay.
Some people like to think that the Bible is some unwavering word straight from God. But in truth it isn’t. The Bible is a collection of different stories and writings circulating in the various Christian groups during the religion’s earlier days. It was only after the emperor Constantine decided that he wanted a single body of literature to be used by all Christians that the first concept of the Bible came about.
Although Constantine’s Bible has been lost to history, many years later it was decided that another one should be made. So various holy men and members of the church got together and came up with a short list of writings from the many that where around during that time, and put them all together in one volume. This Bible is the one still used today.
The Bible is made up of a group of different gospels and tales written by various human beings. The Bible--believe it or not--is not the direct word of God, but rather, like I had just said, is written by our fellow man.
And because man is a flawed being this means that the works chosen to be put into the Bible also contain flaws. That’s why we have verses that say one thing (like it’s okay for a man to marry his dead brother’s wife) and others that say the complete opposite (that it’s a sin for a man to marry his brother’s wife).
These are all different works written by different men with different views of what they think God wants.
Sometimes what’s stated in the Bible makes a great deal of sense (like how one should love thy neighbor and turn the other cheek), or it can also be silly (like saying that a man with long hair is a shame). But other times it can be down right horrible (do you have any idea how many times it tells us in the Bible to kill people?).
The point of this post is this:
The Bible says a lot of things. Some good, some bad. Some very much outdated. People are not shaped by their religion. Instead, people shape their religion to conform to their needs.
People pick and choose what they want to take with them from their religion.
If a Christian is homophobic it is not because the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin. It is because that Christian chooses to be homophobic and then warps his religious beliefs to back up his own hate and fear.
I’ve known a nazi skin-head who did the same thing to try and prove that whites are the greatest of races and that God agrees.
Homosexuality is only a sin if you say it is. Adulterers should be stoned to death only if you say they should. Slavery is a good thing only if you say it is. And so on and so on...
The Bible is not the direct word of God. The passages in the Bible were written by men many years ago.
We take from it only what we need to back up the things that we already believe.
I’m not even three decades old, but I’ve lived a life that has not always been kind (just like many others in this world) that sometimes makes me feel much older then I actually am. If there is one thing I’ve learned while living such a life, it’s that if God and Jesus are real, then all they want us to do is learn to love each other.
It’s just a shame that the passages in the Bible that state this are often overlooked by the people who are too busy searching for the words to aid their own hate and fear of others.
"I'm not going there to die, I'm going to find out if I'm really alive." ~Spike Spiegel
---Everything you quoted is from the Old Testament.---
I quote myself:
"if God and Jesus are real, then all they want us to do is learn to love each other.
It’s just a shame that the passages in the Bible that state this are often overlooked by the people who are too busy searching for the words to aid their own hate and fear of others."
Do you believe that someone who is looking for the right to hold a grudge against someone is honestly going to pick the verse that says to turn the other cheek? No. If they really want to hate that person then they are going to only see the passage that says an eye for an eye. That’s how a lot of people are. Sad, but it is true that people will warp a religion to coincide with the personal feelings and beliefs that they already have.
And besides, what of it if my quotes are from the Old Testament? Many hate filled rantings I have read are filled with people quoting the Old Testament. You yourself quoted from Leviticus a few post back. Isn't Leviticus part of the Old Testament?
---Apparently the significance of Jesus escapes you.---
All right then, please explain to me what you believe the significance of Jesus to be, and what that has to do with me quoting from the Old Testament.
"I'm not going there to die, I'm going to find out if I'm really alive." ~Spike Spiegel
Religion is the ultimate 'original sin' of humanity.
The fact there are people here debating that an ancient book that has absolutley no bearing on the reality of today (other than all the *beep* that PEOPLE make it have) is truly sad.
The bible is no different than any other work of fiction. If you think it is not, you have simply been blinded by or have willfully bought into it. You either don't know about all the insanity contained in it's pages or you choose to ignore it.
Homosexuality is not debatabable and it's so completely stupid that people get brainwashed by religion to think it is. The fact that it exists just seals that it is real. And don't pull that 'oh people choose to be gay' *beep* Who the *beep* in their right mind would 'choose' to be gay what with all the morons running around out their with their holy books saying that they are somehow evil for their personal preference? There is absolutley nothing wrong with consenting adults (or teens of a similar age) participating in consetual acts on their own. Those of you who have a problem with it: 1) pull your head out of the sand and examine the real world 2) get a life based in that real world.
Lion Goat Serpant.... 'the significance of Jesus' is a line those ignorant of the absurdity of their own religion often use to try and justify the atrocities and insanity of the OT. It is true that the NT is a little more tame than the OT but it still does contain a great deal of non-sense. Then of course the complex that makes no sense. The god of the bible is the same guy. If he is present in Jesus thus making Jesus the 'son of god' then it totally nullifies the 'loving sacrifice' that Christians love to boast about. Observe:
Jesus is the son of god. Meaning he was sent by god, according to his plan, and he is in Jesus. He was sent to die. Die for our sins. The sins of course are made up by god. Right right. So, exactly why does god need to come down, have himself knowingly nailed to a cross by his own creations, to pay for the sins of said creations, for breaking the rules that he (god) created? How the *beep* is that a sacrifice?? How can all-powerful god die?? How does a half-man, half-god who both knows he is going to die and that he is going to everlasting paradise have anything to really worry about anyway? In a nut-shell, god is sacrificing himself....to HIMSELF. That is the harsh reality of the absurdity of the Christian faith.
Couple this with the fact that the bible hardly teaches anything moral and you can piece together why Chrisitanity is just another piece of fiction created by primitive men. You have nothing to gain from it other than feel-good delusions of answered prayers and the false-hope of everlasting life. It's a drug, like any other.
Of course, there will be a horde of zombie Christians on here who will refuse to criticize the basic points of their own religion and tell me I'm wrong. They are complete zombies. A zombie does not examine it's world and only has one objective.
By the way, I am not gay. I will however, defend the rights and freedoms of homsexuals with passion because there is no rational reason what-so-ever not to. They are no different than anyone else. They should not have to feel ashamed because of the way they feel. Their feelings are the same as my heterosexual feelings.
*I'll probably just copy and paste this in other threads just to save time when engaging religious zombies with critical thought haha! The ultimate depiction of futility....
I thought I was probably the only one who recognized the Bible as just another collection of workings written by human beings.
As a child I once asked my father who wrote the Bible, to which he answered that God did. Even at that young of an age that answer sounded off to me. The people around me were telling me that God was this being that loved everyone, yet these same people would quote these terrible things from it all the time to justify their hate of others.
How could a divine unconditionally loving being tell his followers to even dare to dislike or harm others? It just didn't make sense. (Actually, this question had disturbed me so much that as I got older I actually took it upon myself to learn the real history of the Bible - along with other literature from different various religions.)
If God is so loving, then how can his people (some, not all, there are some very nice Christians out there) be so spiteful and judging? It still doesn't make complete sense to me. But I have come to know that people really do reshape their religion to backup the hate that they already feel for others.
---it's so completely stupid that people get brainwashed by religion to think it is.---
It's not religion itself that brainwashes people, but rather the persons who are preaching such outdated morals and codes to these people. These people are mostly lost souls looking for a greater purpose/help, or who are looking for answers about their existence. It's sad, but it's these types of vulnerable people who are targeted and manipulated to hate like this.
---By the way, I am not gay. I will however, defend the rights and freedoms of homsexuals with passion because there is no rational reason what-so-ever not to. They are no different than anyone else.---
I can't agree with you more.
I can not see any reason why I shouldn't defend other people. Looking around at this world it is easy to see were hate leads. Nothing good is ever born from it. I'm not homosexual either, but I will stand up for those who are. I would defend anyone who needed it, no matter their gender, race, sexuality, or religion. If we can't get along with each other, then we are just going to end up arguing and warring about the same things over and over again.
Hate is a very ugly thing. It forces us to go blind and run in circles. Just look over at the middle east. You find the same groups of people still fighting/killing each other who have been doing so for - literally - hundreds of years. Nothings changed except for their arsenals. It's terrible. If we as human beings can't learn to just honor and respect each other then I honestly believe that we will be the cause of our own extinction.
"I'm not going there to die, I'm going to find out if I'm really alive." ~Spike Spiegel
Genesis 1:27; God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. 28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it
Yes, because we really are lacking in fruit around here. Six billion and counting, let's get some more fruit! I think God may have been slightly lacking in foresight when he jotted that down, considering this obscenely overcrowded, polluted planet. You think the answer is MORE people? More children, less space, less money...less earth?
I think homosexuality is the planet's answer to overpopulation, myself.
At the end of the day, what you have to hurl against us is a deeply contradictory book written so long ago that it's out of context. I've read these posts with fascination and interest...the references to shellfish were of particular interest.
Surely we don't need instructions from God about how to hate and judge. We do that quite well enough, without a bullet point list. What about love and acceptance?
Or is it all about the fruit? If so, then continue to populate the planet until it bursts. On average, 1 human dies every 3 seconds, while six new ones are born.
25 They changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature.
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men, working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense for their error which was meet.
-if you are asking about love and acceptance in the Bible and think that there is none, then obviously you have no idea what is'a all about.
Mathew 5:
43 "Ye have heard that it hath been said, `Thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy.'
44 But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you,
45 that ye may be the children of your Father who is in Heaven. For He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Mathew 19
19 honor thy father and thy mother; and, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.'"
If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!
9 For this, "Thou shalt not commit adultery," "Thou shalt not kill," "Thou shalt not steal," "Thou shalt not bear false witness," "Thou shalt not covet," and if there be any other commandment, all are briefly comprehended in this saying, namely: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
Galatians 5:
14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
I John 4:
9 In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. 10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. 12 No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.
If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!
Make a choice people. It's that simple. I am happy for people who choose believing in God(whichever one they choose) but I would never tell anyone to follow blindly because their parents/friends say it's the truth. Do the research, decide what you believe in and live your life the best you can. I use to be a Christian but no longer practice or follow that faith nor any other faith. I however; do not get upset when people say I'm going to hell for not believing or throw bible verses in my face. People get so caught up in being offended that they miss out on living their life.