He deserved to die...

he was an idiot on so many levels. Look at how he didn't bang the hot chick when he had a chance and then he went out into the woods and starved to death. Real genius! He got what he deservedly, one less moron on the planet.


I had a friend die in a car accident who wasn't wearing a seat belt. Did he deserve to die? No. Did he have it coming? No. Could it have been prevented with better judgement? Yes. That being said, I agree, he should have banged Kristen Stewart.


Wow Albert, you're a heartless little bastard aren'tcha! 

"Ain't life grand!"


He was clearly a disturbed individual.
I don't know how you can call him stupid, as he graduated from the university with mostly A's in all his subjects.
Did YOU even goto college??

He was running from his parents, his life, and reality.
Mentally disturbed. Clearly wasn't thinking straight.
Could you have even survived for a fraction of the time he did? I doubt it.
YOU are the idiot on so many levels.


Did anybody consider he just really really liked camping? Dude is genius. There's millions of people that like camping, clearly no one wanted to camp hardcore as he did. Accidents happen. Bet a hundred thousand people have done what he did, but a few of them died. Guess what? People die in car accidents all the time. Does that make driving stupid? No sir.


There's millions of people that like camping, clearly no one wanted to camp hardcore as he did

He did like camping and had done lots of solo camping over the previous few years, even in quite challenging environments. He was prepared for a "hardcore" camping experience and had he stuck to that plan, my guess is he would have made it out alive. He didn't, after all, expect to find a bus set up as a practical cottage! The comfort lured him into staying too long. If he had been sleeping on the ground, chewed by bugs and getting wet and sleeping on rocks he would have kept moving and not gotten too comfortable in one place. He would likely have headed out a bit earlier, before he became too weak to do so.


The OP might have been a bit too blunt for some people, but seriously, that guy died because he was an idiot. He could have spent some time doing a bit of research before going. Even just the basics, like studying maps of the area, weather patterns for that time of year, equipment and provisions he would need, etc. He could have gone to a local store that catered to campers, hikers, etc, and learned all of that in the span of an hour. One single hour spent talking to people who know what they're talking about. Instead, he acted like a complete moron, and look how well that worked out for him. People go on endlessly about the book and this movie, and talk about how free-spirited he was. He didn't care about material wealth? Who cares? There are untold millions who feel the same way. Many of them can be found volunteering time and money to charitable causes they care about.

This isn't an inspiring tale of one man's journey through life. It's the story of an idiot who DIED as a result of his own stupidity and ego. At the end of the day, it's the story of one person committing a long, drawn-out, and painful act of suicide. I don't care about his grades in school, he died by his own hand, all because he lacked even a shred of common sense.

"L'enfer, c'est les autres"


That's a very interesting insight. I never considered the fact that the bus, a little piece of civilization, may have lulled him into a false sense of security.

"Nothing is more ill bred than trying to steal the affections of someone else's dog."
