Things we can blame on Vicki

Tamra, Heather, and Shannon blame Vicki for everything so let's make a list of things that's her fault.

1. Unicorns don't's Vicki's fault

2. 2016 turned out to be an awful year ..... and it's Vicki's fault


Nene getting in trouble with the IRS- Vick's fault
Bethenny Frankle's divorce....Vicki's Fault
Donald Trump not having any brains...Vicki's fault...
the stockmarket crash...vicki's fault
Heather stealing her smile fromt he Cheshire Cat...Vick's Fault
We could...we could belong together...ARTPOP


My daughter dropped my cell and cracked the screen.....Damnit Vicki!
Greys Anatomy is STILL on...thznkd
