It seems that Meghan may be hinting at returning next season:
There have been a lot of rumours that she is not returning, but never an actual statement from her confirming. Could it possibly be that she is leaving it open in case she is not invited back? If she is not signed back on she could always fall back on her final talking head where she says that she's not sure if she would want to raise her child in OC? (Not exact, I am paraphrasing from memory)
She has shown lots of pictures of the nursery. Does anyone know if that nursery is in her OC home or her St. Louis home? I think it is in St. Louis.
I can't understand why Meghan would want to be in OC with her baby girl, with Jim, her younger stepchildren and her family in St. Louis. Seems to me that would be so isolating for her with a new baby. Would she not want to be close to her husband and all of the family?
At this time, I am thinking that it would make much more sense for her to be in St. Louis so that Jim can be close to ALL of his children and not have to divide his time between the new baby girl and his other two youngest.
Meghan moved to OC to support Hayley in being close to her mom while she was dying. But now, I would imagine that she would want to remain in St. Louis so that Jim and their new baby would be close to her younger step children. I cannot imagine any reason why she would want to stay in OC other than to be on TV.
Maybe I have just misunderstood and she was just joking in that Instagram post about us seeing her mom on RHOC next year.
Has anyone seen an actual confirmation from Meghan stating that she is not returning next season?